




       吾以为今日而言文学改良,须从八事入手。八事者何? 一曰,须言之有物。二曰,不摹仿古人。三曰,须讲求文法。






       一曰须言之有物 .......吾国近世文学之大病,在于言之无物。今人徒知“言之无文,行之不远”;而不知言之无物,又何用文为乎?吾所谓“物”,非古人所谓“文以载道”之说也。吾所谓“物”,约有二事:

       (一)情感 《诗序》曰:“情动于中而形诸言。言之不足,故嗟叹之。..嗟叹之不足,故咏歌之。咏歌之不足,不知手之舞之,足之蹈之也。”此吾所谓情感也。情感者,文学之灵魂。文学而无情感,如人之无魂,木偶而已,行尸走肉而已(今人所谓“美感”者,亦情感之一也)。

       (二)思想 吾所谓“思想”,盖兼见地、识力、理想三者而言之。思想..不必皆赖文学而传,而文学以有思想而益贵;思想亦以有文学的价值而益贵也:此庄周之文,渊明、老杜之诗,稼轩之词,施耐庵之小说,所以敻绝千古也。思想之在文学,犹脑筋之在人身。人不能思想,则虽面目姣好,虽能笑啼感觉,亦何足取哉?文学亦犹是耳。

       胡适:《文学改良刍议》 文学无此二物,便如无灵魂无脑筋之美人,虽有秾丽富厚之外观,抑亦末矣。近世文人沾沾于声调字句之间,既无高远之思想,又无真挚之情感,文学之衰微,此其大因矣。此文胜之害,所谓言之无物者是也。欲救此弊,宜以质救之。质者何?情与思二者而已。

       二曰不摹仿古人 .......文学者,随时代而变迁者也。一时代有一时代之文学:周、秦有周、秦之文学,汉、魏有汉、魏之文学,唐、宋、元、明有唐、宋、元、明之文学。此非吾一人之私言,乃文明进化之公理也。即以文论,有《尚书》之文,有先秦诸子之文,有司马迁、班固之文,有韩、柳、欧、苏之文,有语录之文,有施耐庵、曹雪芹之文:此文之进化也。试更以韵文言之:《击壤》之歌,《五子》之歌,一时期也;《三百篇》之诗,一时期也;屈原、荀卿之骚赋,又一时期也;苏、李以下,至于魏、晋,又一时期也;江左之诗流为排比,至唐而律诗大成,此又一时期也;老杜、香山之“写实”体诸诗(如杜之《石壕吏》、《羌村》,白之《新乐府》),又一时期也;诗至唐而极盛,自此以后,词曲代兴,唐、五代及宋初之小令,此词之一时代也;苏、柳(永)、辛、姜之词,又一时代也;至于元之杂剧传奇,则又一时代矣;凡此诸时代,各因时势风会而变,各有其特长,吾辈以历史进化之眼光观之,决不可谓古人之文学皆胜于今人也。左氏、史公之文奇矣,然施耐庵之《水浒传》视《左传》、《史记》何多让焉?《三都》、《两京》之赋富矣,然以视唐诗宋词,则糟粕耳。此可见文学因时进化,不能自止。唐人不当作商、周之诗,宋人不当作相如、子云之赋,——即令作之,亦必不工。逆天背时,违进化之迹,故不能工也。


       胡适:《文学改良刍议》 2




       三曰须讲文法 ......今之作文作诗者,每不讲求文法之结构。其例至繁,不便举之,尤以作骈文律诗者为尤甚。夫不讲文法,是谓“不通”。此理至明,无待详论。

       四曰不作无病之呻吟 .........此殊未易言也。今之少年往往作悲观,其取别号则曰“寒灰”、“无生”、“死灰”;其作为诗文,则对落日而思暮年,对秋风而思零落,春来则惟恐其速去,花发又惟惧其早谢;此亡国之哀音也。老年人为之犹不可,况少年乎?其流弊所至,遂养成一种暮气,不思奋发有为,服劳报国,但知发牢骚之音,感喟之文;将以促其寿年,读者将亦短其志气:此吾所谓无病之呻吟也。国之多患,吾岂不知之?然病国危时,岂痛哭流涕所能收效乎?吾惟愿今之文学家作费舒特(Fichte),作玛志尼(Mazzini),而不愿其为贾生、王粲、屈原、谢皋羽也。其不能为贾生、王粲、屈原、谢皋羽,而徒为妇人醇酒丧气失意之诗文者,尤卑卑不足道矣!

       五曰务去烂调套语 ........今之学者,胸中记得几个文学的套语,便称诗人。其所为诗文处处是陈言烂调,“蹉跎”、“身世”、“寥落”、“飘零”、“虫沙”、“寒窗”、“斜阳”、“芳草”、“春胡适:《文学改良刍议》 3 闺”、“愁魂”、“归梦”、“鹃啼”、“孤影”、“雁字”、“玉楼”、“锦字”、“残更”,„„之类,累累不绝,最可憎厌。其流弊所至,遂令国中生出许多似是而非,貌似而实非之诗文。今试举吾友胡先骕先生一词以证之。




       六曰不用典 .....吾所主张八事之中,惟此一条最受朋友攻击,盖以此条最易误会也。吾友江亢虎君来书曰:

       ‚所谓典者,亦有广狭二义。饾饤獭祭,古人早悬为厉禁;若并成语故事而屏之,则非惟文字之品格全失,即文字之作用亦亡。……文字最妙之意味,在用字简而涵义多。此断非用典不为功。不用典不特不可作诗,并不可写信,且不可演说。来函满纸‘旧雨’、‘虚怀’、‘治头治脚’、‘舍本逐末’、‘洪水猛兽’、‘发聋振聩’、‘负弩先驱’、‘心悦诚服’、‘词坛’、‘退避三舍’、‘滔天’、‘利器’、‘铁证’,……皆典也。试尽抉而去之,代以俚语俚字,将成何说话?其用字之繁简,犹其细焉。恐一易他词,虽加倍蓰而涵义仍终不能如是恰到好处,奈何?……‛ 此论甚中肯要。今依江君之言,分典为广狭二义,分论之如下:


       (甲)古人所设譬喻,其取譬之事物,含有普通意义,不以时代而失其效用者,今人亦可用之。如古人言“以子之矛,攻子之盾”,今人虽不读书者,亦知胡适:《文学改良刍议》 4 用“自相矛盾”之喻,然不可谓为用典也。上文所举例中之“治头治脚”、“洪水猛兽”、“发聋振聩”,„„皆此类也。盖设譬取喻,贵能切当;若能切当,固无古今之别也。若“负弩先驱”、“退避三舍”之类,在今日已非通行之事物,在文人相与之间,或可用之,然终以不用为上。如言“退避”,千里亦可,百里亦可,不必定用“三舍”之典也。

       (乙)成语 成语者,合字成辞,别为意义。其习见之句,通行已久,不妨用之。然今日若能另铸“成语”,亦无不可也。“利器”、“虚怀”、“舍本逐末”,„„皆属此类。此非 “典”也,乃日用之字耳。

       (丙)引史事 引史事与今所论议之事相比较,不可谓为用典也。如老杜诗云,“未闻殷周衰,中自诛褒妲”,此非用典也。近人诗云,“所以曹孟德,犹以汉相终”,此亦非用典也。

       (丁)引古人作比 此亦非用典也。杜诗云,“清新庾开府,俊逸鲍参军”,此乃以古人比今人,非用典也。又云,“伯仲之间见伊吕,指挥若定失萧曹”,此亦非用典也。

       (戊)引古人之语 此亦非用典也。吾尝有句云,“我闻古人言,艰难惟一死”。又云,“尝试成功自古无,放翁此语未必是”。此乃引语,非用典也。



       (子)用典之工者 此江君所谓用字简而涵义多者也。客中无书不能多举其例,但杂举一二,以实吾言:


       (2)东坡又有“章质夫送酒六壶,书至而酒不达。”诗云,“岂意青州六从胡适:《文学改良刍议》 5 事,化为乌有一先生”。此虽工已近于纤巧矣。





       (丑)用典之拙者 用典之拙者,大抵皆懒惰之人,不知造词,故以此为躲懒藏拙之计。惟其不能造词,故亦不能用典也。总计拙典亦有数类:







       (5)古事之实有所指,不可移用者,今往乱用作普通事实。如古人灞桥折胡适:《文学改良刍议》 6 柳,以送行者,本是一种特别土风。阳关、渭城亦皆实有所指。今之懒人不能状别离之情,于是虽身在滇越,亦言灞桥;虽不解阳关、渭城为何物,亦皆言“阳关三叠”,“渭城离歌”。又如张翰因秋风起而思故乡之莼羹鲈脍,今则虽非吴人,不知莼鲈为何味者,亦皆自称有“莼鲈之思”。此则不仅懒不可救,直是自欺欺人耳!


       七曰不讲对仗 ......排偶乃人类言语之一种特性,故虽古代文字,如老子、孔子之文,亦间有骈句。如“道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。无名天地之始,有名万物之母。故常无,欲以观其妙;常有,欲以观其徼。”此三排句也。“食无求饱,居无求安”;“贫而无谄,富而无骄”;“尔爱其羊,我爱其礼”。此皆排句也。然此皆近于语言之自然,而无牵强刻削之迹;尤未有定其字之多寡,声之平仄,词之虚实者也。至于后世文学末流,言之无物,乃以文胜;文胜之极,而骈文律诗兴焉,而长律兴焉。骈文律诗之中非无佳作,然佳作终鲜。所以然者何?岂不以其束缚人之自由过甚之故耶?(长律之中,上下古今,无一首佳作可言也。)今日而言文学改良,当“先立乎其大者”,不当枉废有用之精力于微细纤巧之末:此吾所以有废骈废律之说也。即不能废此两者,亦但当视为文学末技而已,非讲求之急务也。


       八曰不避俗语俗字 ........吾惟以施耐庵、曹雪芹、吴趼人为文学正宗,故有“不避俗字俗语”之论也(参看上文第二条下)。盖吾国言文之背驰久矣。自佛书之输入,译者以文言不足以达意,故以浅近之文译之,其体已近白话。其后佛氏讲义语录尤多用白话为之者,是为语录体之原始。及宋人讲学以白话为语录,此体遂成讲学正体(明人因之)。当是时,白话已久入韵文,观唐、宋人白话之诗词可见也。及至元时,中国北部已在异族之下,三百余年矣(辽、金、元)。此三百年中,中国乃发生胡适:《文学改良刍议》 7 一种通俗行远之文学。文则有《水浒》、《西游》、《三国》„„之类,戏曲则尤不可胜计(关汉卿诸人,人各著剧数十种之多。吾国文人著作之富,未有过于此时者也。)以今世眼光观之,则中国文学当以元代为最盛;可传世不朽之作,当以元代为最多:此可无疑也。当是时,中国之文学最近言文合一,白话几成文学的语言矣。使此趋势不受阻遏,则中国几有一“活文学出现”,而但丁、路得之伟业(欧洲中古时,各国皆有俚语,而以拉丁文为文言,凡著作书籍皆用之,如吾国之以文言著书也。其后意大利有但丁(Dante)诸文豪,始以其国俚语著作。诸国踵与,国语亦代起。路得(Luther)创新教始以德文译《旧约》、《新约》,遂开德文学之先。英、法诸国亦复如是。今世通用之英文《新旧约》乃1611年译本,距今才三百年耳。故今日欧洲诸国之文学,在当日皆为俚语。迨诸文豪兴,始以“活文学”代拉丁之死文学;有活文学而后有言文合一之国语也),几发生于神州。不意此趋势骤为明代所阻,政府既以八股取土,而当时文人如何、李七子之徒,又争以复古为高,于是此千年难遇言文合一之机会,遂中道夭折矣。然以今世历史进化的眼光观之,则白话文学之为中国文学之正宗,又为将来文学必用之利器,可断言也(此“断言”乃自言之,赞成此说者今日未必甚多也)。以此之故,吾主张今日作文作诗,宜采用俗语俗字。与其用三千年前之死字(如“于铄国会,遵晦时休”之类),不如用二十世纪之活字;与其作不能行远不能普及之秦、汉、六朝文字,不如作家喻户晓之《水浒》、《西游》文字也。





       胡适:《文学改良刍议》 8 ―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――











       这里说的是我自己了。然而我搜索我半生的历史,我就不知道我曾有过“与封建主义的光荣”。压根儿我就不知道这四十年的中国“与封建主义斗争的光荣”。压根儿我就不知道这四十年的中国“封建主义”是个什么样子。所以陶先生如果说我曾提倡白话文,我没法子抵赖。他恭维我曾与“封建主义”斗争,我只好对他胡适:《文学改良刍议》 说“小人无罪”。如果我做过什么“争斗”,我打的是骈文、律诗、古文,是死的文字,是某些某些不科学的信仰,是某个某个不人道的制度。这些东西各有很长的历史,各有他的历史演变的事实,都是最具体的东西,都不能用一个抽象名词(如封建主义)来解释他们,形容他们,或概括他们。即如骈文律诗,在中国古代封建制度的的确确存在的时代,何尝有骈文律诗的影子?骈文律诗起于比较很晚的时代,与封建主义何干?那个道地的封建制度之下,人们歌唱的(如《国风》)是白话,写的(如《论语》)也是白话。后来在一个统一的帝国之下,前一个时代的活文字渐渐僵死了,变成古文,被保留作统一帝国的交通工具,这与封建主义何干?又如我们所攻击的许多传统思想和信仰,绝大部分是两千年的长期印度化的产物,都不是中国广东封建制度之下原有的东西。把这些东西都归罪到“封建主义”一个名词,其错误等于说痨病由于痨病鬼,天花由于天花娘娘,自缢寻







       这样的推理,只是武断的把一串名词排成一个先后次序,把名词的先后次序替代了因果的关系。“没有殖民地,就没有了资本主义;没有了资本主义,就没有了欧、美的灿烂光华。”多么简单干脆的推论,中国没有殖民地(?),中国就没有资本主义。德国的殖民地全被《巴黎和约》夷群群剥夺了,德国也就没有资本主义了,也就不会有灿烂光华了?明儿美国让菲律宾独立了,或者菲律宾和夏威群岛都被日本抢去了,美国的资本主义也就不存在了?况且在三十六年前,美国压根儿就不曾有过一块殖民地,美国大概就没有资本主义了吧?大概也就没有什么“灿烂光华”了吧?这是事实吗?以上的列子是用连串名词的排列来替代思想的胡适:《文学改良刍议》 10 层次,来冒充推理的程序。这毛病是懒惰,是武断。



       这一段文章里用“自由”一个名词,凡有六次。第一个“自由”是经济的,是自由竞争的经济经营。第二个“自由”好像是指名七八年以来我们一班朋友主张的自由主义的人生观和要求思想言论自由的政治主张。第三个“自由”就不好懂了:明明说的是“自由主义的思想”,却又是和“有组织有计划的生产”不相容,又好像是自由竞争的经济经营了。我们愚笨得很,只知道“自由主义的思想”和专制政治不相容,和野蛮黑暗的恶势力不相容;我们就没听见过它和“有组织有计划的生产”不相容。姑且不说大规模集中生产的资本主义也是“有组织有计划”的。试看看丹麦和其他北欧各国的各种生产合作制度,何尝不是有“组织有计划的生产”?又何尝与自由主义的 思想不相容?所以这第三个“自由”当然还是第一次提到的自由竞争的经济经营。第四个“自由”又是在指我们的思想言论自由的民治主张了。第五个“自由”也是如此。第六个“自由”的意义又特别扩大了,扩大到“十九世纪欧美式”的文化,这当然要包括自由竞争度和思想言论自


       这里用“自由”六次,至少有三个不同的意义:(1)自由竞争的经济经营;(2)我们一班朋友要求思想言论自由的民治主张;(3)“十九世纪欧美式”的自由主义 的文化。这三个广狭不同的意义,颠来倒去,忽上忽下,如变戏法的人抛起三个球,滚上滚下,使人眼睛都迷眩了,究竟看不清是一个球,还是三个球,还是五六个球。这样费大气力,变大花头,为的是什么呢?难道真是要叫读者眼光胡适:《文学改良刍议》 11 迷眩了,好相信胡适之不赞成“中国本位的文化建设”就是要“回转十九世纪自由主义的路”;而“回转十九世纪欧美自由主义的路”就等于犯了主张资本主义的大罪恶!




       胡适:《文学改良刍议》 12 1935年6月2日


       胡适:《文学改良刍议》 13



       填空题 唐代的诗歌极度繁荣,仅据编成于清康熙年间的《全唐诗》所录,就有诗人两千两百余人,作品四万余首,编为九百卷。唐文学的繁荣,也表现在众多而大师辈出上。《全唐文》收三千人,《全唐诗》收两千两百余人,据不完全统计,唐人小说今天可以找到的还有四百二三十种。在“四杰”中,卢照邻、骆宾王擅长七言歌行,王勃、杨炯擅长五律。陈子昂的诗歌革新主张见于他的名篇《与东方左史虬修竹篇序》 中,他的代表作是《感遇》三十八首。陈子昂在《与东方左史虬修竹篇序》一文中,正面提出他的诗歌革新主张,这篇文章标志着唐代诗风的转变。7 “以孤篇压倒全唐”的诗是《春江花月夜》。8 唐代王维有“诗佛”之称,刘禹锡有“诗豪”之称。盛唐山水田园诗派的代表作家是王维和孟浩然,此外的重要作家还有裴迪、储光羲、常建、等人。“味摩诘之诗,诗中有画;观摩诘之画,画中有诗”这是宋人苏轼对唐人王维作品所作的赞誉。唐代崔颢所作《黄鹤楼》被严羽《沧浪诗话》称为唐人七律第一。被誉为“七绝圣手”的唐代诗人是王昌龄。岑参边塞诗中鼎足而三的代表作是《走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征》、《白雪歌送武判官归京 》和《轮台歌奉送封大夫西征》,它们的共同特色是充满了浪漫乐观(存疑,抑或异域风格)的情调。

       唐宋文学常识 杜甫的“三吏”是《新安吏》、《石壕吏》、《潼关吏》。“三别”是《新婚别》、《无家别》、《垂老别》。杜诗的多样风格中,最具特征性的是杜甫自道的“语不惊人死不休”。“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”的主张,是白居易在《与元九书》一文中提出的。号称“五言长城”的诗人是刘长卿。大历诗风,指的是大历至贞元年间年间活跃于诗坛上的一批诗人的共同创作风貌。在韩孟诗派中,以瘦硬奇警为诗风特点,直接影响宋代江西诗派的重要诗人是孟郊。新乐府概念的形成,始于李绅的《乐府新题》二十首,后来白居易的《新乐府》五十首成为这一诗潮代表作。22 新乐府一词是白居易提出来的。白居易的生平与思想可分前后两期,以四十四岁时被贬江州为分界线。孟郊写诗与贾岛皆以苦吟著名。《寒地百姓吟》是孟郊的作品,“鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门”是贾岛的佳句。人们常以奇崛险怪来评价韩愈及其周围诗人的诗风。《长恨歌》与《琵琶行》代表了白居易诗歌的最高艺术成就。27 柳宗元的山水游记突破了过去散体文偏重实用,以政治和哲理议论为主的局限,创造了一种更文学化、抒情化的散文类型。另外他的寓言摆脱了作为文章论说例证的依附性质,成为了一种独立的文体。

       唐宋文学常识 唐传奇《李娃传》的是白行简。话本流传下来的作品,一般可分为小说和讲史两大类。31 李朝威《柳毅传》兼有爱情和侠义的双重主题。


       “开元、天宝间,则有李翰林(李白)之飘逸,杜工部(杜甫)之沉郁,孟襄阳(孟浩然)之清雅,王右丞(王维)储光羲之真率,王昌龄之声俊,高常侍(高适)、岑嘉州(岑参)之悲壮,李颀、常建之超凡,此盛唐之盛者也„„下及元和之际则有柳愚溪(柳宗元)之超然复古,韩昌黎(韩愈)之博大其词,张(张籍)王(王建)乐府,得其故实,元(元稹)白(白居易)序事,务在分明„„。” 34 请在严羽折断论诗体的文字中提到的宋代有代表性诗体后指出其著名诗人的姓名:

       以人而論,則有:蘇李體、曹劉體、陶體、謝體、徐庾體、沈宋體、陳拾遺體、王楊盧駱體、張曲江體、少陵體、太白體、髙逹夫體、孟浩然體、岑嘉州體、王右丞體、韋蘇州體、韓昌黎體、柳子厚體、韋柳體、李長吉體、李商隐體、盧仝體、白樂天體、元白體、杜牧之體、張藉王建體、賈浪仙體、孟東野體、杜荀鶴體、東坡體__苏轼___、山谷體_黄庭坚_、后山體 _陈师道_、王荆公體_王安石_、邵康節體_邵雍_、陳簡齋體_陈与义_、楊誠齋體_杨万里_。

       五代时,中国词史上有著名的两个词坛 西蜀 和 南唐。前者以花间词 派为中心,后者以 李煜 的成就最高。

       五代词有两个创作中心,一为西蜀,一为南唐。南唐词人以李璟、李煜、冯延巳 三人最为著名。37 姚合和贾岛并称“姚贾”。



       南宋“中兴四大诗人”是尤袤、杨万里、范成大、陆游。40 北宋初年,梅尧臣、苏舜钦 齐名,人称梅苏。


       黄庭坚开创了有巨大影响的 “江西”诗派。其“一祖三宗”的“一祖”是指杜甫,“三宗”是指 黄庭坚、陈与义、陈师道

       。43 南宋中兴四大诗人中范成大晚年所作的《四时田园杂兴》在古代田园诗中有比较重要的影响。


       北宋末,宋徽宗设置大晟府,任用一批词人来审定音乐,粉饰太平,这就是所谓的“清真”词人,周邦彦是其中影响最大的一个。46 宋词到_柳永_才摆脱了《花间集》的束缚,到 苏轼 更矫首高歌,时见奇怀逸气,在婉约词家之外别立豪放一宗,开南宋以 辛弃疾 为代表的爱国词家的先河。


       北宋第一个专力写词的作家是柳永,他是北宋婉约词派的早期代表。他的《乐章集》中慢词占了十之七八。他使慢词发展成为与小令双峰并峙的一种成熟的文学样式。他的词多从世俗生活汲取素材,在当时 阶层中传唱最盛,他尤工于羁旅行役,《八声甘州》词是他的代表作。








       金代诗人最推崇的宋代诗人是陆游。59 元好问是金代诗歌成就最高的作家。

       我国第一部诗话是欧阳修的《六一诗话》,它开创了我国古代诗歌评论“诗话“的形式,继之而起的有司马光的《续诗话》,陈师道的《后山诗话》,严羽的《沧浪诗话》和姜夔的《白石道人诗话》等。61 严羽的《沧浪诗话》是一部对后世诗歌实践和诗歌理论都有很大影响的著作。

       整理集校:程斌章、周宁涵 自行整理,如有异议,务必求证






























































       Speech On the research status and the research conclusions Distinguished experts, teachers: Good morning!I am Zhang Cuicui from Department of Public Administration ,Nanjing College for Population Program Management, currently leads the practice of 2022 college students in Jiangsu province innovation training project of senior home group moderator.I`m honored today to share our group`s harvest with you.Our task is to investigate city community home-based care services model`s present situation, problems and sustainable development investigation and study, for this task we conducted a year-long survey research and social practice.Following I will represent our task group to report our investigation Research background information the degree of aging and the problems In 2022 the State Council issued the“ China aging development” Twelfth Five-Year Plan “ which points out,” Twelfth Five-Year Plan“ period, with the first arrival of the peak growing elderly population, the population aging process will be accelerated further, the problem of aging population is becoming more and more serious, the aging process and the nuclear family, empty nest is accompanied, and economy in the period of social transition contradiction interweaves, social security and pension service demand will increase quickly.In 2022April, IMF(International Monetary Fund)published to countries and regions in the world per capita GDP newest data shows that though our country`s GDP maintains moderately faster growth rate in gross, but the per capita GDP is only $4382, far behind the United States, Australia, Holland, Britain and Japan and other countries., accompanied by the state and pension fund run behind one's expenses, our country population advance rapidly aging problem is serious and people aged more than 65 years taking the proportion of the total population has increased from 7% to14%, most developed countries with more than 45 years time, China only 27years to complete the course, which belongs to the aging speed of the soon, the pension problem and economic development is not harmonious problem severity among countries.In spite of the great achievements China's social security work has labored, b there is still a big problem, facing a lot of difficulties.Social work pressure, the basic old-age insurance fund gap is huge, pension expenditure, medical insurance expenditure expands, which also caused the proportion of retirees and workers, social security” consumers“ and” producer“ ratio change, increase on-the-job worker contribution burden.Large senior groups` nursing, medical, social services and other aspects of the demand for social security will bring enormous pressure.In addition, the medical insurance system faces serious challenges, after 20years of medical insurance system reform in our country, the town has initially established the basic framework of overall medical insurance.However, medical insurance coverage is low, the medical service price confusion, the low proportion of government investment is the fact that hasn`t changed.Social welfare coverage grows, which has layed increasingly heavy pressure on the system, lack of effective interface between, the grim situation can`t be ignore.Family support for the senior has been considered to be the eastern traditional pension mode, with filial culture as the core of the supporting and respecting the old and has been praised as is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.Admittedly, in the natural economy of providing for oneself, as well as in our present from the family support to social transition stage, Xiao Yin culture and family endowment has played an important role.However, with the development of economy, especially the industrialized, city is changed, family that provides for the senior is bound by the impact, and the modernization of production are associated with the establishment of a social security system.The aging of society serious, the city`s accelerating changing speed and the increasing of floating population, not only brings the senior social security cost increase in the number, also caused the traditional family size and the change of family structure, family structure was gradually dismantled, family pension mode is lack of power, but the traditional culture and to win support among the people, nursing homes and other nursing institutions, seniors preferred for the familiar person and environment, more inclined to accept social services at home.In this case, whether the pension institutions or family, the traditional mode has to be broken.The above four points, is summed up to show our country`s per capita GDP is insufficient, the social security system is not all-round, strength and insufficient coverage of pension mode transition, case, do not become ”senile“ state preparation, into the” old“ state, the situation and the battlefield found bullet enough, pocket on the examination room found the book didn't read is the same reason.The current old-age home mode, the international community has become a widely respected pension system.Our country`s home-based care services research started in the nineteen eighties.The development of old-age service is the inevitable result of the trend of population aging, aging population old-age service is a social cause, which needs government, community, non-profit organization and other multivariate main body`s participation and construction, has gradually been the extensive consensus of social all circles, in recent years with the pension demand increase, government to improve the people's livelihood and promoting social harmony requirements, home-based care services to get the attention of social all circles and carry out, but the old-age population expansion, to China's old-age security brought hitherto unknown challenge, urgent need for home-based care services to carry out further research practice and innovation, maintaining its sustainable development.Two methods of investigation Research mainly includes two aspects, one is the Jiangsu provincial city, Nanjing, and other cities” home-based care services“ for the senior were obtained through a survey questionnaire, reliable data;two is the in-depth study of street, government and other institutions in home-based care services in primary practice, investigation of various measures of the concrete implementation situation, understanding in the actual operation process initiatives, including the old-age home status, satisfaction, group differences, the difficulties encountered and the sustainability of the investigation.The investigation into the questionnaires and interviews of two parts, Questionnaire survey in Nanjing Xuanwu District, Jiangning District, Qinhuai District, area within the city limits of the object of investigation for the Nanjing household registered 201for the senior, the aging distribution is from 60 to 92 years old.Interviews as long as in Jiangsu province Nanjing City, Suzhou City, Wuxi City, Changzhou City, Zhenjiang city service system for the aged in the workers were surveyed, respondents specifically responsible for home-based care services of community workers, participation in home-based care services by nursing staff, each city is in charge of the administrative staff in nursing work.In the survey, we extracted the Nanjing Xuanwu District” Suo Jincun10000 to help“ as a home-based care services of typical model analysis.A questionnaire was developed by the project team members in a large number of interviews, reading a lot of literature on the basis of prepared by natural information, questionnaire, on home care social understanding of the situation, the elderly mental health situation in three parts.The questionnaire used a single topic and MCQs, structured and unstructured combined form, contains a total of 30 projects.Main outcome measures in the following three aspects of different gender, age, cultural degree, family members of senior people's mental state, the future pension concern degree of correlation coefficient.The senior overall mental status index shows the different natural conditions in case selection difference test result.The current situation of old-age home services, service content, service satisfaction of the elderly.On the questionnaire survey to the data using the SPSS17.0version of the software, using descriptive statistics, mean, correlation analysis, statistical testing of statistical data and processing.Through the interview the interview data were summarized the collation and analysis.Three results 3.2.1basic situation analysis Relevant experts, scholars, the senior group can be divided according to age,60-69 for younger elderly,70-79in the age old man, aged 80 years and above for the elderly.The younger elderly67 people, accounting for29.8% of the total number of surveyed, age of85 elderly people, accounting for42.3% of the total number of surveyed, aged49, accounting for24.4% of the total were investigated;the marriage, married elderly people140 people, accounting for69.7% of the total number of being investigated, the widowed old people 57 people, occupy the by the investigation of the total 28.4%, unmarried1 elderly people, accounting for0.5% of the total separation were investigated,3 elderly people, accounting for1.5% of the total were investigated;the cultural degree, illiterate29 people, accounts for14.4% of the total number of surveyed, primary school culture 34, accounting for16.9% of the total number of surveyed, culture of junior high school50 people, occupy investigation total 24.9%, high school59 people, accounting for29.4% of the total number of survey, undergraduate culture 29, accounting for14.4% of the total number of survey.3.2.2cultural characteristics Present investigation shows the primary school and the education of the elderly accounted for31.3% of the total number of elderly, junior high school education accounted for24.9% of the total number of elderly people, high school education accounted for29.4% of the total number of elderly people, bachelor degree accounted for14.4% of the total number of elderly people.Different gender old cultural degree is also different, in which the primary school and the education of male elderly accounted for all the male elderly18.9%, while the primary school and the following cultural degree of elderly female accounted for all of the women surveyed elderly total 44%, younger elderly, primary school and education in the elderly accounted for28.3% of the total number of young people, in the in advanced age, primary school and education in the elderly accounted for35.5% of the total number of old age, but in the very elderly, primary school and the education accounted for36.7% of total other elderly.Investigation shows, at present in the elderly because of the influence of historical conditions, cultural degree is not high.Elderly female cultural level substantially lower than men's, so in home-based care services content and mode improvement should pay more attention to this.But at the research institute surveyed senior intellectuals in the oldest old is very high, with the passage of time, the proportion of senior intellectuals will be higher, and the older age groups cultural level will be higher, also means that the old man on the nursing service mode quality requirements are higher, which requires the old-age home nursing mode in operation in addition to providing material, medical and physical care, but also pay attention to the mental care and spiritual consolation.3.2.3family structure Survey of the family patterns, a living alone in the elderly accounted for13.4% of the total number of parents surveyed, living alone accounted for37.3% of the total number of people surveyed, and their children, grandchildren living together accounted for46.3% of the total number of people surveyed, other family structure accounts for3% of the total number of survey.In the survey sample of 57elderly widowed, in which 21old people still choose a person living alone accounted for36.8% of the total, widowed elders;one spouse for elderly parents living alone140 people,84 elderly people, occupy53.6% of the total number of spouses of elderly, children, and grandchildren live in the elderly is 56 people, occupy the a total of 40% spouses of elderly.In the older age groups, the elderly living alone accounted for22.4% of the total number of the oldest old in age, low, elderly parents living alone in the family mode respectively, middle aged elderly low total 58.8% and 49.2%.The illiterate culture level in elderly people, a people living and you live alone in family life in the elderly of illiteracy education in the elderly a total of 41.3%, in the primary school education in elderly people, a people living and you live alone in family life in the elderly accounted for the primary school education of the elderly is 44.1% of the total, in the junior middle school education level in elderly people, a people living and you live alone in family life in the elderly accounted for the junior middle school education level in the elderly a total of 48%, in the high school education for the elderly, a people living and you live alone in family life in the elderly accounted for the high school education of the elderly is 54.2% of the total, the bachelor degree in elderly people, a people living and you live alone in family life patterns in the elderly accounted for the bachelor degree in the elderly is 55.2% of the total, according to the correlation analysis, age and pattern of family life has statistically associated(> 0.05), the correlation coefficient is 0.345, marital status and the pattern of family life has statistically associated(> 0.01), the correlation coefficient is 0.433.Investigation shows, at present more and more senior people may fear that the children's life pressure is too large or relationship of processing factors such as the reluctant and children live together.The higher level of education of the elderly is reluctant and children and other family members living together, contrary to the lower level of education, the elderly where the family structure, family life relation is complex.The elderly family structure appeared diverse, is no longer before the traditional family pattern, but appeared alone, empty nest and other forms.At the same time, because of the increasingly intense competition in society, the lives of their children and work pressure, the old man is a joint family living in the trend of weakening, but rather and spouses living alone, and even some old man in a widowed after still alone.The 3.2.4 health status(1)the old man 's physical health Investigation shows, at present, the senior’s physical condition is satisfied, the senior whose physical health status is poor have worries, and should therefore provide more medical services.(2)the mental health of the elderly For the senior`s health status investigation and analysis we used a mood, a perfect score of 60, high scores that emotional states good mood, happy, positive, optimistic mood;encountered life events, emotional without obvious fluctuation, self adjustment, stable;life satisfaction and happiness of higher.Scores indicated low emotional state is poor, unhappy, emotionally negative, pessimistic, prone to anxiety, depression, often to worry about the future;encountered life events, emotional volatility, not good at self adjustment, poor stability;life satisfaction and happiness of the lower.By the investigation of elderly scored an average of 39.30, in a state of health.Gender differences in the elderly mental health status, female elderly mental health status in elderly male, but the difference was not obvious.With different cultural level of the elderly mental health different status, the bachelor degree in the elderly mental health status is not average, because of the high degree of the elderly for the home-based care services requirements are relatively high, but the old man 's overall educational level is not high, there will be lonely and communication.In social participation, active participation in community organization of the mental health of the elderly and other elderly compared with statistically significant difference, difference coefficient of 0.02.” Active aging “ is the first goal in 1996 in the” health and ageing Manifesto“ in put forward ” target“, the report in2022after from 21 countries of 29 delegates discussed revision submitted after the second session of the United Nations World Assembly on aging, accepted by the general assembly and written into as a political declaration on twenty-first Century, the aging of the population policy framework put forward formally.Since 2022, the second session of the United Nations World aging conference will be” active aging“ as a response to the twenty-first Century population aging ”policy framework“ was formally put forward,” independence, participation, care, self realization, dignity“ has gradually become the world recognized the old work basic principle, to” acknowledge that people in the aging process, they are in all aspects of life, enjoy the opportunity equality rights“ as the starting point.Among them, based on” the potential for the elderly is the future development of a strong foundation“ on the elders' social participation, is promoted to the ”older people's basic rights“ and” old people should enjoy the full life “ height, in two aspects of theory and practice is paid close attention to extensively, emphasize” from work in retired elderly and those sick or disabled people, their families, friends and relatives can still be, communities and nations are active contributors".Positive aging stress the aged social participation, with the elderly culture degree unceasing enhancement, the old man 's psychological demand will increase continuously, so home pension pension model should pay attention to the elderly in the community participation, rich people 's spiritual life, is the elderly in nursing process can feel self realization and self involved values.3.2.5social support Investigation shows, in all the surveyed people in difficulties, only rely on their own accounts for42.8% of the total number of elderly people.Rarely ask for help the elderly accounted for15.9% of the total number of elderly, sometimes ask for help the elderly accounted for13.9% of the total number of old people, often ask for help the elderly accounted for27.4% of the total number of elderly.In different cultural degree, the ability of elderly seeking social support had significant difference, in the independent sample variance analysis, cultural level and difficulties are encountered in the practice has a coefficient of 0.02significant differences.In different cultural degree, difficulty feel helpless ratio is with culture and raise the level of falling.In the face of difficulties on our own, where illiteracy, primary school, junior middle school education level in the elderly the ratio is over 50%, in high school and undergraduate education in the elderly in a very low percentage of only40.7% and13.3% respectively.At the same time, social support and age also correlation exists, the older only depend on own proportion is low, because as the old age increasing, the elderly need help is on the increase, in younger elderly, often ask for help the elderly accounted for the proportion of the total number of younger elderly17.9%, middle aged elderly often ask for help the elderly accounted for the proportion of the total number of age old man in32.9%, the elderly often ask for help the elderly accounted for the proportion of the total number of 30.6% elderly patients.Investigation shows, at present the senior`s seeking social support ability is not ideal, the lower level of education of the elderly social support seeking ability is low.Along with the old age increasing, the elderly need help is on the increase, in the old 60-69years old for this help the demand is not great, but the old man in the 70years old on social assistance demand suddenly enlarged, will be extended to80 years.Cultural level and the elderly to seek social support have significant correlation, the findings of previous research, women have an average life expectancy larger than the male, and female cultural level was significantly lower in men, so women in older age groups need more social attention, at the same time in the future nursing work, nursing career will be faced with more responsibility and more challenge.The old man entered the young old and senile stage social assistance demand also increases, which requires the service should have key, capture main contradiction.3.2.6on home care knowledge Investigation discovery, the elderly on home care is not to understand very much, although home retirement pension mode in our country has been running for more than 10 years, the old man on home care does not understand, which know old-age home number is 75 people only, for all 37.3% surveys in the elderly.Younger elderly living conditions and health status so that it does not pay much attention to their pension problem;in age of elderly living state and their own health condition to begin to consider their own problems, also begin to pay close attention to the various nursing mode choice, thus to better understanding of the elderly old-age home;in most cases, loss of widowed can or a disability, their status is complex, and their social contact, receivers of information capacity is relatively low.Thus, the old-age home publicity work should also strengthen further, considering on home care propaganda way should take into account all age in different situations, to select a suitable information propaganda way.3.2.7 on home-based care services needs of the project On old-age home service project survey, elderly on medical service needs in a substantial increase, for guiding service demand decrease instead.For example, Ankang, old age demand less, because Ankang has been unable to meet the demand of elderly people, cannot provide substantial help.In the younger elderly in only 44.8% of the elderly think there should be a nursing home, this shows that more than half of the elderly in the preference for home care, elderly people over the age of 80on home care needs and rising demand, but is not particularly high, worried that home care can not meet the demand and service.Old table accept degree low, especially the elderly acceptance, because as the old age increases, the elderly body status differences, and elderly patients with chronic disease prevalence rate is high, the old man in the diet on the difference will be bigger and bigger, therefore on the old dining table this service should be further analyzed and adjusted, for example, increased nutrient division.Domestic services and home care needs very high, should be present in the provision of services to expand supply.3.2.8home-based care services satisfaction Investigation discovery, at present the younger elderly to home-based care services satisfaction and satisfactory accounts for28.8% of the total number of survey on satisfaction, home-based care services for general accounted for35.8% of the total number of being investigated, to the satisfaction of home-based care services for less satisfied and dissatisfied accounted for35.3% of the total number of survey.In the primary school and the education for the elderly, less satisfied and dissatisfied with the proportion of 31.9%, in the junior middle school education level among the elderly, not very satisfied and dissatisfied with the proportion of 38%, in the high school education for the elderly, less satisfied and dissatisfied with the proportion of 32.2%, undergraduate and above the degree of the elderly, not very satisfied and dissatisfied with the ratio of 44.8%.The old man on home care satisfaction varied with age differences in young, elderly, to home-based care services was not satisfied and dissatisfied with the proportion of 49.2%, in the age of home-based care services for the elderly, not very satisfied and dissatisfied with the proportion of 25.9%, in the very elderly, home-based care services not to very satisfied and dissatisfied with the ratio of 32.6%.The senior`s home-based care services satisfaction is low, the old-age home service quality also need to be further improved.The higher level of education of the elderly to the home-based care services satisfaction is low, younger elderly on home care is not very understanding, the spirit of the high demand, and at present home care psychiatric care lack, therefore satisfaction compared with other age groups are low.The oldest old on home care satisfaction is low, mainly because of the elderly on home care have special needs, while the services can not fully meet the needs of the elderly.The old man of home-based care services satisfaction is low, home for the aged in the operation process, should be aimed at different age stage of the needs of the elderly, while improving the quality of home-based care services, with highly educated elderly population continues to increase, the elderly on old-age home more and more high quality requirements, and constantly improve the home-based care services model is home pension mode the key to continue.3.2.9 on future pension concerns Investigation discovery, the elderly on future pension is not worried, elderly people in retirement expectations or positive.Different age of the future pension concern degree is different, younger elderly age is light, since the reform and opening up social security is not in place, the pension system is not perfect, the elderly pension anticipation is not clear;in age old man not too worried, because they are physically healthy, in need of care level is relatively low, at stable period, 3.2.10old-age home run status Home-based care services station receives in the elderly with relatively wide sources, a home-based care services station street near the average from7-8street in the elderly.Enjoy the home-based care services are mostly low income above 70 years of age living alone, empty nester.Engaged in home-based care services at all from the local streets, workers pay 9.2yuan per hour, each month must do 26 hours, a monthly income of about 240yuan.Nursing assessment procedure is: at the end of nursing work followed by the old man himself in the table of tick, signature, then workers take their examination table to according to maintain seal, at this stage, the neighborhood of the role is to supervise control.In nursing management, at the end of each month, workers to the service station office meeting, summarize the work this month, according to the nursing work and put forward the new requirements for workers, and the elderly communication skills training.At the same time through visits, telephone and carer feedback to understand the old man 's satisfaction and completion of the nursing examination.The provisions of Nanjing until 2022, each community to home-based care services center, but in the face of such a task, the community will face many challenges, community worker's compensation is too low, each worker has to serve 5 to 6 people, and the nurse's business hours are fixed, the living conditions of older persons is not good, the main economic status led.In recent years the society of home-based care services demand is growing, the living conditions of older persons can not be relevant departments truthfully reaction.At present home pension problems mainly displays in: the government is short of money, some things as a community worker is incapable of action of government of;of old-age home policy can be implemented in low, execute rise facing great difficulties;nursing level, workers are moving, low degree, low income, age 40 so, some even are illiterate, and they will only be home-based care services as part-time;government policy adjustment can not keep up with changes;the service staff and volunteers of origin stenosis, cutting business hours too little, old people can easily be lonely.The solution to this problem temporarily coping strategies is door-to-door neighbor, community members, the usual care.Home-based care services station was Aging Committee and the office of the dual leadership, in the policy and decision implementation faces dilemma.We suggest that home care policies to take into account the working-class, improve workers wages, can provide the relevant social welfare, attract more talented people to engage in this important work.3.3conclusion Our country as the aging of the population, in the impact of population aging appears to be taken by surprise, the supporting problem has become the focus and difficulty in solving the people`s livelihood, so the problem of providing for the aged than ever to get more attention and support.This study is mainly directed against the city 's home pension problems, mainly in Nanjing as the cases for investigation and discussion.From the investigation can be found in our country, the city pension faces many problems.In the nursing career development and economic development to match problem also will face enormous challenge, achieve happiness endowment is shouldering the heavy pressure.Investigation shows, at present in the elderly is not very willing to work with children live together, but were more likely to choose to old two lives, even in the widowed after still alone.In service for the old projects like Ankang, home care, generation of shopping services such as the actual supply far did not reach the level of demand, in this case, the desired pattern is the old aged pension.The old man 's cultural level of gender significant gaps exist, female culture is much lower than the male, the female life expectancy was generally higher in men, which means that in the empty nest elderly in the proportion of women will be far more than the male, investigation discovery, culture level is high in the elderly seek social support obviously ability strong in the low cultural level.So in home-based care services should be more active to provide help, pay more attention to the mental care.The old man the old-age home understanding is not very common, even with the desired to have bigger difference, take the initiative to participate in community activities on old-age home know better, and the future of nursing concern degree is relatively low, which requires the community workers to for the elderly to provide more group activities, rich organization life.In home-based care services mode of operation, with the continuous development of the social old-age home, the home care service team specialized requirements higher, the service content extensive sex requirement more, to service the normative form of more stringent requirements.This requires engaging older workers in geriatric nursing service to actively take the initiative to see current situation, capture main contradiction, overcome difficulty, optimizing service model, old-age home mode for sustainable operation and development.Currently engaged in home care services and community workers have good professional skills, whether in services or in the management can provide the basic demand, this also because of community workers and service personnel's salary is too low, cannot reflect the post value caused by, so in the pay and service personnel training and assessment the mechanism should be further improved, continuously towards positive aging direction.










       8、营救式刑求是/不是可取的手段 2022年赛季黄金联赛辩题(21)



















       19、改善国家形象,更应该依赖政府/民众 20、应该/不应该提倡实名制捐款
















       14、驾考合一/自学直考更有利于培养出合格的汽车驾驶员 第六届世界华语辩论锦标赛辩题(22)



















       19、知识分子应该坚守学院/走向大众 20、暴力/非暴力手段更有助于遏制极端主义


       22、人类越来越需要/不需要宗教 2022年捭阖辩论赛辩题(11)


























       15、当代社会更需要冷头脑/热心肠 第五届世界华语辩论锦标赛(13)













       13、参加亲子真人秀对孩子的成长利大于弊/弊大于利 2022年黄金联赛(10)










       10、礼法合治,法在礼先/礼在法先 2022星辩(8)








       8、名利/真情是现代人最渴望的追求 第八届CDA辩题(28)




























       28、文化传承需要原汁原味/融入流行 第七届CDA(39)

       1.辩论应是一项大众/小众活动 2.时间不可以倒流是人生的幸运/不幸 3.婚前财产公证制度是对婚姻的保护/伤害 4.青春,就要/不能挥霍 5.迟来的正义是/不是正义

       6.保护弱者/制约强者更能体现道德的意义 7.市民的不文明行为应当/不应当被媒体曝光 8.现代社会君子更应善守不同/善求相同 9.回忆,让人更幸福/痛苦



       12.韬光养晦/锋芒毕露是现今社会生存之道 13.人类应/不应该拥有时光机

       14.当前中国购买国外电视节目版权利大于弊/弊大于利 15.“弃婴岛”的设置利大于弊/弊大于利 16.媒体呼吁公众对特定报道对象捐款是否值得提倡 17.信仰是理性/感性的结果

       18.大学生信用消费应该/不应该被鼓励 19.微博实名制利大于弊/弊大于利

       20.维护公共安全,政府与公众何者作用更大? 21.企业家应该/不应该承担社会改革的责任 22.大数据时代是最好的/最坏的时代 23.明星有/没有义务成为大众道德楷模




       27.当前中国需要/不需要普京式领导人 28.人有能力/没有能力控制欲望 29.无知者无畏/博学者无畏

       30.自由贸易/保护贸易更有利于发展中国家发展 31.跨文化的了解,语言掌握是/不是关键 32.专利权催化/阻碍人类创新

       33.知道的越多,越像是世界的宠儿/孤儿 34.成本透明化能/不能有效遏制房地产暴利 35.成功学可以/不可以帮助我们成功

       36.儒家思想能/不能成为转型期中国的价值依托 37.电影发展更应看重艺术价值/商业价值

       38、轰轰烈烈/平平淡淡才是人生 39.美貌是福/是祸 【共189道辩题】 来源于贴吧的辩题 辩题来源贴吧

       1、丑小鸭为什么会变成白天鹅 正:他经过不断努力 反:他本身就是白天鹅


















       19、大学生毕业应先考研/就业 20、现代人应该以仁为主/以智为主









       29、约会时应该/不应该AA制 30、大学生应该注重职业规划/收入




















       49、保护弱者是/不是社会的倒退 50、大学生就业是大城床/小城房









       59、清明节祭扫应该传承传统/创新 60、代沟的主要责任在父母/孩子

       61、事业比待遇更能留住人/待遇比事业更能留住人 62、不破不立/不立不破


       64、在校中学生参加课余劳动是否有利于成才 65、学生上课睡觉老师是否应该叫醒 66、电子书能否在将来取代纸质书籍 67、青年改变社会/社会改变青年 68、道不同不相为谋/可以为谋 69、青少年的素质提高主要靠家庭教育/学校教育 70、高中生把手机带进教室利大于弊/弊大于利 71、助学贷款可以理解/不能原谅 72、生存/尊严更重要


       74、优秀的学习成绩是不是成功大学生的必要条件 75、哆啦A梦是损友/益友

       76、大学社团应该定向发展还是自由发展 77、初恋时懂不懂爱情

       78、虎爸狼妈式教育是否有利于孩子成长 79、市民的不文明行为应不应该被曝光


       81、新闻报道保护当事人隐私比告知公众真相更重要/告知公众真相比保护当事人隐私更重要 82、农民工适合留守城市还是回乡 83、人类今天应不应该限制人工智能的发展 84、科技越发展,人越有/没有安全感 85、跳槽有利于/不利于人才发挥作用 86、成大事者不拘小节/拘小节

       87、家长应不应该给高中生一定的执事权 88、人更应该放眼未来/回顾过去 89、企业发展开源/节流更重要 90、你支持穷养儿还是富养儿 正:穷养


       91、梅花香自苦寒来/梅花香自本性出 92、以暴制暴是不是正义 93、演员成就剧本/剧本成就演员 94、大学生广泛社交利大于弊/弊大于利 95、功夫不负有心人/功夫也负有心人 96、舍友应该亲密有间/亲密无间 97、宁折不曲/能屈能伸方显英雄本色 98、人生因自信而美丽/人生因美丽而自信 99、“我是为你好”是否为道德绑架 100、大都市发展应该/不应该鼓励私人买车 101、富贵不能淫/贫贱不能移更可贵

       102、当今大学生创业难主要是社会原因/个人原因 103、性教育是科学教育/道德教育 104、垃圾分类在于大手牵小手/小手牵小手 105、企业用人以才/以德为先 106、没有爱情的大学是否完美 107、睡不着/起不来更痛苦 108、沉默/舆论更可怕


       110、选对好老师/选对学校更重要 111、人们是大自然的保护者/破坏者 【共111道辩题】 【共收集300道辩题】