


       一. 目前我国警察实战中的安全状况






       二. 造成这种现状的原因分析:








       (二)开展实战训练以来民警的安全状况得到了较好的改善 2022-2022年,因为与犯罪嫌疑人直接搏斗牺牲的民警分别为48人、27人、20人、7人。2022年较之2022年下降了65%。



       1. 警察的安全

       2. 群众的安全 3. 嫌疑人的安全

       公安---(事业)---信念 警察---(职业)---理念


       1、超量估敌(加一理念)a.数量 b.手段



       b.武器及技术装备的优势 c.时间的优势





















       围绕“8.18”蚌埠两警察目睹少女被杀未制止展开探讨 提出问题:



       3、如何“用” 总结:







       3、体验实弹射击 实弹射击:




































       警务英语实战之口语强化 Practical Police English ——Speaking Skills


       编: ◎编

       委: 陈爱民







       徐忆渤 朱玉萍



       徐玉萍 张玉芬








       本丛书的策划和编写以《大学英语课程教学要求》为指导,以我国的警务实践和需求为依据的同时,严格遵循并充分体现语言是符号系统,是交际工具,是思维工具,是文化载体的语言观和外语学习的规律。正如语言学家Harmer所说: “如果我们希望学生学到的语言是真实生活中能够使用的语言,那么在教材编写中接受性技能和产出性技能的培养也应该像在生活中那样有机结合在一起,注重各分项能力之间的衔接和互补及篇章层次的一体化技能培训,孤立地发展某项技能显然是荒谬的。”因此,该丛书由《口语强化》和《技能拓展》构成。

       本丛书的主要特点为: 1.密切结合涉外警务实践,训练、培养英语实战技能; 2.内容丰富,材料新颖翔实; 3.语料难易有度,可选性强; 4.覆盖面广,针对性强;




       2022年10月 前言


       “警务英语(Police English)”为行业英语(Subject-based English)的一种,区别于非技术的普通英语(common English),它是具有警务领域技术特征的英语,适合广大公安干警及在校公安大学生熟悉各自专业领域内警务执法方面的专业英语词汇及语篇特征,以在涉外警务执法、对外警务交流中取得主动权及先导的话语权。课题立项以来,课题组成员在学院有关部门和领导的组织、指导和山东警察学院英语教研室全体教师的积极参与下,历经数年,多方论证,几易其稿,《警务英语实战》终于成书,得以付梓出版。







       2022年10月 目录

       Chapter One Everyday English(日常用语)Section 1 Greetings and Introductions(问候与介绍)Section 2 Responding to Gratitude and Expressing Apologies(接受感谢与致歉)Section 3 Environment and Weather(环境与气候)Section 4 Others(其它)Chapter Two Assisting the Public(服务大众)

       Section 1 Offering Help(帮助)Section 2 Calming the Victims(安抚受害人)Section 3 Warnings(劝诫)Section 4 Accepting Losses and Returning Articles(失物招领)Chapter Three Daily Policing(日常警务)Section 1 Patrolling and Interrogating(巡逻盘查)Section 2 110 Police Emergency Call(110报警电话)Chapter Four Traffic Control(交通管理)Section 1 Directing Vehicles(疏导交通)Section 2 Control of Vehicles(交通管制)

       Section 3 Dealing with Traffic Offenses(违章处理)

       Section 4 Dealing with Traffic Accidents(处理交通事故)

       Chapter Five Visa and Certificate(签证与证件)Section 1 Exit and Entry(出境与入境)Section 2 Other Certificates(其它证件)Section 3 Extension of Visa and Reissue of Certificate(加签与补发证件)Chapter Six Dealing with Cases(办案)

       Section 1 Arresting Suspects(逮捕嫌犯)Section 2 Dealing with Typical Cases(处理典型案件)Section 3 Theft and Robbery(盗窃与抢劫)Section 4 Economic Crime(经济犯罪)Section 5 Interviewing Witnesses and Victims(询问证人与受害者)

       Section 6 Drug and Firearms Cases(毒品与枪支案件)Section 7 Other Illegal Activities(其它非法活动)Chapter Seven Security(安全)Section 1 Airport(机场)Section 2 Security check at the venues(场馆安检)Section 3 Unexpected Events(突发事件)Section 4 Counter terrorism(反恐)Chapter Eight A Brief Introduction to the Police in China(中国警察简介)Section 1 Agencies and Branches of the Police(机构与警种)Section 2 Purposes and Duties of the Police(宗旨与任务)Section 3 Police Rank(警衔)Section 4 Uniform and Equipment(制服与装备)Chapter Nine Police Tips and Notices(警方提示和通报)

       Section 1 Burglary(防入室盗窃)Section 2 Theft, Snatching and etc.(防盗窃、抢夺等)Section 3 Dealing with Nuisance Calls and Text Messages(对付骚扰电话和文本信息)Section 4 Technology Crime(防止高科技犯罪)Section 5 Guarding against Terrorism(防范恐怖主义)Section 6 Emergency Planning(应急预案)Section 7 Legal Guide for Foreigners(外国人法律指南)Section 8 Police Notices(警方通报)

       Chapter Ten News Release(新闻发布会)

       Section1 Briefings on Cases(案情通报)

       Section 2 Human Rights and Freedom(人权和自由)

       Section 3 Anti-separatism and Anti-penetration(反分裂反渗透)Chapter One Everyday English(日常用语)Section 1 Greetings and Introductions(问候与介绍)Useful Sentences(常用表达法)1.Good morning, sir.早晨好,先生。2.How are you(doing)? 你好吗?

       3.How is everything with you? 一切都好吗? 4.How do you do? 你好。

       5.Hello, glad to meet you.你好,见到你很高兴。6.It’s a pleasure to meet you


       7.Hello, sir.Welcome to Jinan.你好,先生。欢迎到济南来。8.Hope to see you again.希望能再见到您。9.Who are you? 你是谁?

       10.Who is that man over there?那边那个人是谁?

       Is that lady a member of your group? 那位女士是你们一行人的成员吗? Do you know any of those people? 在那些人当中你有认识的吗?

       Which one of those men is Mr.Smith, head of Canadian Police Delegation? 在那些人当中哪一位是加拿大警察代表团团长史密斯先生? Is he the tall man on the left? 左边那个高个是他吗?

       Excuse me, but aren’t you Mr.Smith? 请问您是史密斯先生吗?

       Allow me to introduce myself.I am Li Dong.请让我自我介绍一下,我是李东。

       My name is Li Dong, interpreter from the Municipal Public Security Bureau.我叫李东,是市公安局派来的译员。Come and meet Mr.Wang.请见一下王先生。

       Mr.Barrette, may I introduce Mr.Wang, my colleague.巴雷特先生,请让我介绍一下我的同事,王先生。Mr.Thomas, I’d like you to meet Mr.Wang.托马斯先生,请让我把王先生介绍给您。

       Mr.Barrette, you haven’t met Mr.Wang, have you? Mr.Wang, this is Mr.Barrette.巴雷特先生,你不认识王先生吧?王先生, 这位是巴雷特先生。Jinan is a beautiful city.You can enjoy yourself here.济南是一座美丽的城市。你在这一定会很愉快。

       We are patrol police.If you are in trouble, we can help you.我们是巡警,如果你有什么困难,我们能够帮助你。You can call 110 for emergency police service.你可拨打110 报警。

       Dialogues(情景对话)Dialogue 1 Greetings 1(P: police F: foreigner)P: Hello, sir.F: Hello, officer.P: Welcome to Jinan.Can I help you? F: No, thank you.P: Have a nice stay in Jinan.Good-bye.F: Good-bye.对话1 问候1(警:警察

       外:外国友人)警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 你好,先生。你好,警官。

       欢迎到济南来。有什么需要帮助的吗? 没有,谢谢。


       Dialogue 2 Greetings 2 P: F: P: F: P: Good morning.Good morning.May I introduce myself? My name is Li Dong.A cop in Jinan.Nice to meet you, Mr.Li.I am Thomas Barrette.Nice to meet you, too.Is this your first visit to Jinan? F: Yes.Jinan is very beautiful.P: Hope you can enjoy yourself here.Whenever you are in trouble, you can call for help from the police.F: Thank you.You are so kind.P: With pleasure.对话2 问候2 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 上午好。上午好。

       请让我自我介绍一下,我是李东,济南的一名警察。很高兴见到你,李先生。我是托马斯·巴雷特。见到你也很高兴。这是你第一次来济南吗? 是的。济南非常美丽。


       外: 谢谢,你待人很友善。警: 别客气。

       Dialogue 3 Introductions P: F: P: Hello, aren’t you Mr.Barrette?

       Hello, Mr.Li.Very glad to meet you again.Mr.Barrette, you haven’t met Mr.Wang, have you? Mr.Wang, this is Mr.Barrette.W: How do you do? F: How do you do? P: Did you have a pleasant journey in Jinan? F: Yes, I had a very comfortable and pleasant journey in Jinan.P: I am glad to hear that.What can I do for you? F: No, thank you.P: Any time.Good luck.对话3 介绍

       警: 你好,你是巴雷特先生吗?

       外: 你好,李先生。很高兴能再见到你。

       警: 巴雷特先生,你不认识王先生吧?王先生, 这位是巴雷特先生。王: 你好。外: 你好。

       警: 在济南旅途愉快吗?

       外: 是的,我在济南的旅途非常舒适愉快。警: 很高兴如此,有什么需要帮助的吗? 外: 不,谢谢。

       警: 不用谢,祝你好运。

       Section 2 Responding to Gratitude and Expressing Apologies(接受感谢与致歉)Useful Sentences(常用表达法)1.Don’t mention it.It’s our duty.没关系,这是我们的责任。2.My pleasure.别客气。

       3.You are welcome.不用谢。

       4.I’m glad I was able to help.很高兴能为你效劳。5.It is the least I could do.我只能帮这点忙。6.It is a pleasure.不用客气。7.Not at all.不必客气。

       8.Thank you for all you’ve done for me.谢谢你们为我所做的一切。9.I appreciate your advice.我很感激你的建议。

       10.Thank you for finding my lost wallet.谢谢你帮我找到钱包。

       11.I’m very grateful for your help.我非常感激你的帮助。12.Glad to have been of help.很高兴能为你帮忙。13.At your service.愿为你效劳。14.I must apologize.我得向你道歉。15.Hope you don’t mind.希望你别在意。16.Sorry about that.对此很抱歉。17.I do apologize.我真抱歉。

       18.Sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。19.Sorry, it’s my fault.对不起,怪我。

       20.Sorry, we haven’t caught the suspect yet.对不起,我们还未抓到犯罪嫌疑犯。

       We’d like to apologize to you for what has happened to you.对您发生的事我们表示歉意。Oh, don’t worry about that.哦,那就算了。Don’t take it to heart.不要放在心上。

       I can understand.It takes time.我能理解,这需要时间。It’s all right.没关系。

       Dialogues(情景对话)Dialogue 1 Responding to gratitudes1 F: Thank you for all you’ve done for me.You Chinese police are so great.P: Don’t mention it.It is our duty.对话 1 接受致谢1 外: 谢谢你们为我所做的一切。你们中国警察太棒了。警: 不必在意,这是我们的职责。

       Dialogue 2 Responding to gratitudes2(接受致谢2)

       F: Thank you for finding my lost wallet.P: It was a pleasure.Hope it didn’t interfere with your stay here.对话2 接受致谢2 外: 谢谢你们替我找回丢失的钱包。

       警: 不必客气,希望没打乱你在这儿的行程。

       Dialogue 3 Expressing apologies1 P: Hello, sir.The traffic is all right now.Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.F: I can understand.It takes time.对话 3 致歉1 警: 你好,先生。现在交通正常了。很抱歉让你等了这么长时间。外: 我能理解。这需要时间。

       Dialogue 4 Expressing apologies2 P: We’d like to apologize to you for what has happened to you.F: Don’t take it to heart.对话 4 致歉2 警: 对发生在您身上的一切我们深表歉意。外: 不必在意。

       Section 3 Environment and Weather(环境与气候)Useful Sentences(常用表达法)1.The climate in Jinan is very dry.济南的气候非常干燥。

       2.I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.我认为我们国家最大的环境问题是空气污染。

       3.We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years.最近几年我们减少了大量污染物的排放。4.Air pollution is really an issue in Jinan 空气污染在济南是个问题。

       5.Car exhaust is still a major source of air pollution.汽车尾气仍是空气污染的主要原因。

       6.We have introduced stricter environment pollution law.我们实施了更加严格的环境污染法律。

       7.Air pollution is now a problem on a truly global scale.空气污染问题在全球范围内普遍存在。

       8.Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province on China’s east coast.济南市是中国东部沿海省份山东省的省会

       9.Jinan is the province’s political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational center.济南是全省政治、经济、文化、科技及教育中心。10.Jinan is endowed with abundant tourist resources.济南拥有丰富的旅游资源。

       11.Jinan possesses as many as 72 springs, with the Baotu Spring, Black Tiger Spring, Five-Dragon Pond and Pearl Spring as the most famous.济南拥有72名泉,尤以趵突泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭、珍珠泉四大泉群久负盛名。

       12.Spring water and willows can be found everywhere in the city.济南家家泉水,户户垂杨。

       13.Jinan is located at middle latitude with a warm-temperate continental monsoon climate, clear-cut seasonal changes and sunlight.济南地处中纬度,属于暖温带大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,日照充足。

       In winter temperature often falls to zero and sometimes can be below that.在冬天温度经常会降到零度,有时也会零度以下。The average annual rainfall in Jinan is 614mm.济南年平均降雨量614毫米。

       I think the best season in Jinan is autumn.我感觉济南最好的季节是秋天。My skin feels tight and flaky.我感到皮肤非常紧绷干裂。

       Dialogues(情景对话)Dialogue 1 Environment 1 F: Is the environment a big issue in Jinan? It is in my city.P: It is in mine too.The biggest issue is water.The climate is dry and so water conservation is very important.F: What methods do you use to supply enough water to the whole city? P: You know Jinan is developing very fast.In order to provide enough water to the whole city we have constructed several giant reservoirs.F: I see.I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution.P: Yes, I agree.Air pollution is really an issue in Jinan.We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years, but cars are still a major source of them.Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law has been introduced.F: The problem is now on a truly global scale.I don’t believe that any single country can do anything about it.P: I think you’re right.There needs to be an international response to this problem.对话 1 环境1 外: 环境问题在济南严重么?在我们那儿是一个问题。

       警: 在济南也一样,水的问题尤为突出。济南的气候非常干燥,水的保存很重要。

       外: 你们济南都采取了什么方法为整个城市提供水源?

       警: 你知道济南发展很快,为了提供足够的水源,我们建造了几座大型水库。

       外: 明白。我认为我们那儿最大的环境问题是空气污染。

       警: 是的,空气污染在济南也的确是个问题。最近几年我们减少了污染物的排放,但汽车尾气仍是空气污染的一个主要来源。自从实施了严格的环境污染法规,我们的工厂变得干净多了。外: 这是个全球范围内的问题,我认为单靠一个国家自己的力量很难应付。

       警: 我同意你的观点,国际上所有国家都应对此做出反应。

       Dialogue 2 Environment 2 F: It is my first time in Jinan.Can you give me a brief introduction to this city? P: OK.Jinan is the capital of Shandong Province on China’s east coast.It is the province’s political, economic, cultural, scientific and educational center.It is also a sub-provincial city as well as open coastal city approved by the state.F: Jinan is a beautiful city.That is my first impression.P: Yes, Jinan is endowed with abundant tourist resources.F: What is the main character of this city? P: Jinan is famous for its springs.It is also called the ―The City of Spring Water‖.F: That is great.Would you say it in detail? P: Jinan possesses as many as 72 springs, with the Baotu Spring, Black Tiger Spring, Five-Dragon Pond and Pearl Spring as the most famous.F: That means I can see spring water everywhere.P: That’s right.Spring water and willows can be found everywhere in the city.The Daming Lake and the Thousand-Buddha Mountain give the city a special geographical feature, which is a mixture of mountains, springs, lakes, and rivers.F: Wow, it looks like a beautiful picture.P: I am sure you’ll like this city.对话 2 环境2 外: 这是我第一次来济南,你能向我简单地介绍一下这个城市么?

       警: 好的。济南市是中国东部沿海省份山东省的省会,是全省政治、经济、文化、科技及教育中心,也是国家批准的副省级城市和沿海开放城市。

       外: 济南留给我的第一印象是一个美丽的城市。警: 是的,济南拥有丰富的旅游资源。外: 这座城市最大的特点是什么?

       警: 济南以泉水而闻名,所以又叫“泉城”。外: 太棒了,你能详细说一下么?

       警: 济南拥有72名泉,尤以趵突泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭、珍珠泉四大泉群久负盛名。

       外: 那么我是不是在很多地方都能看到泉水? 警: 是的,济南家家泉水,户户垂杨,与大明湖与千佛山一起构成了有山有水的独特风光。外: 啊,这真像一副美丽的图画。警: 我敢肯定你会喜欢这个城市的。

       Dialogue 3 Weather F: What’s the weather like in your city?

       P: Jinan is located at middle latitude with a warm-temperate continental monsoon climate, clear-cut seasonal changes and sufficient sunlight.F: What are the temperatures in winter? In my city it is about 10 or 15 centigrade.P: Then you will feel cold in Jinan.In winter temperature often falls to zero and sometimes can be below that.F: Does that mean the street are often icing in Jinan? P: That’s right.The coldest month is January with the average temperature of 1.9 centigrade under zero.F: How about the weather in summer?

       P: It is very hot in summer.From June to July, the temperature of Jinan can climb to 34 or 35 centigrade.F: I feel the weather in Jinan is rather dry.After my arrival in Jinan, my skin feels tight and flaky.P: Yes, it is.The average annual rainfall in Jinan is 614mm.I think the best season in Jinan is autumn.F: I see.Thank you very much.P: My pleasure.Have a nice stay in Jinan.对话3 气候

       外: 你们城市的气候怎样? 警: 济南地处中纬度,属于暖温带大陆性季风气候区,四季分明,日照充足。

       外: 冬天的温度怎样,在我们那冬天的气温都在10或15摄氏度。警: 那你在济南一定会感觉很冷的。在冬天温度经常会降到零度,有时也会零度以下。

       外: 那么济南冬天路面经常会结冰了。

       警: 是这样的。最冷的月份是一月份,平均温度是零下1.9度。外: 那么夏天的气候怎样?

       警: 夏天非常热。六七月份,济南的气温能到34或35摄氏度。外: 我感到济南的气候非常干燥。来济南后,我感到皮肤非常紧绷干裂。

       警: 是的,济南年平均降雨量614毫米。我感觉济南最好的季节是秋天。

       外: 我知道了,非常感谢。

       警: 不客气,希望你在济南过得愉快。

       Section 4 Others(其它)Useful Sentences(常用表达法)1.There’s a problem with my bank statement.我的银行对账单有点问题。

       2.I also need to withdraw some money from the ATM.我还想在自动取款机上取些钱。3.I have to exchange some money.我需要兑换些外币。

       4.I have to pay my credit bill.我要支付一下我的信用卡账单。

       5.Air mail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two weeks.航空邮件需要4到5天时间,平信大约需要两周。I usually always get up at dawn.I don’t like sleeping in.我一般天一亮就起床,我不喜欢睡懒觉。I usually do some exercise after I get up.早上起床后一般都锻炼身体。

       I usually meet some friends and we play sports together or I might spend some time alone on my hobbies.一般是会会朋友,和他们一起体育锻炼,或者是把时间花在个人爱好上。

       There are many specialty shops on Quanchenglu Walking Street, including clothing boutiques, and also a movie theater.在泉城路步行街,那有很多专卖店,其中还有专卖流行衣服的商店,还有一家电影院。

       You can use cash, check, or credit card.你可以用现金、支票或信用卡。

       Shandong cuisine is consisted of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, which is one of the ―Eight Culinary Traditions‖ of China.鲁菜由济南菜和胶东菜两部分构成,是中国“八大菜系”之一。Shandong’s most famous dish is the sweet and sour carp.A truly authentic sweet and sour carp must come from the Yellow River.鲁菜当中最有名的一道菜是糖醋鲤鱼,但地道的糖醋鲤鱼必须使用产于黄河的鲤鱼。

       Dinner is ready.Please come to the table.饭菜好了,请入席。

       You would no doubt be interested in Chinese cooking.你一定喜欢中国菜。

       Wouldn’t you care for something a little stronger? 你不介意喝点烈酒吧?

       I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people.现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!

       Another course is coming up.Just help yourself to whatever you’d另一道菜上来了,请随便挑你喜欢的吃。

       Here’s to our friendship and to your health.Cheers!为我们的友谊和您的健康,干杯!May I fill your glass again? 要再给你加点酒吗? Have you booked a table? 你预定餐桌了吗?

       Would you like to see the menu? 你需要看菜单吗?

       I like music that has a fast beat and is lively, like dance music.我喜欢听一些节奏快活泼一点的音乐,比如说舞曲。

       Classical music is supposed to be good for you brain.Research suggests that it makes your brain more active.听古典音乐对人的大脑有好处,有研究表明听古典音乐可以让人的头脑更活跃。

       I usually play classical music as background music while I’m cooking or doing other housework.我在做饭或是做家务时经常把古典音乐设定为背景音乐。Music can influence a person’s feeling and character.音乐能影响一个人的情感与性格。Would you like something to drink? 你想喝什么?

       They have beer, or wine, or liquor here.有啤酒、葡萄酒或烈性酒。The New Year’s Day is coming.新年马上就要到了。

       We will take Christmas rush, send Christmas card and have the house beautifully decorated.我们要进行圣诞节大购物、寄圣诞卡片、还要把家装饰得漂漂亮亮的。30.Christmas Day is the biggest festival in your country.圣诞节在你们国家是最为隆重的一个节日。

       31.On that day, people visit each other and greet and bless each other.那一天,人们都互相拜年,说吉祥话。32.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!圣诞快乐,新年快乐!

       33.I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。34.With the compliments of the season!祝贺佳节!35.Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year!恭贺新禧,万事如意!

       36.Please accept my season’s greetings.请接受我节日的祝贺。

       37.Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year.I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.请接受我诚挚的新年祝福,顺祝身体健康。

       38.Allow me to congratulate you on the arrival of the New Year and to extend to you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.恭贺新禧,祝身体健康、事业发达。

       39.I must admit our performances at the Olympic Games are something we’ve reasons to be proud of.我承认我们有理由为我们在奥运会上的表现而感到骄傲。40.Green tea and black tea come from the same plant.绿茶和红茶的茶叶都产自茶树。

       Dialogues(情景对话)Dialogue 1 To the bank F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: Excuse me, Mr.Li.Would you do me a favor? Of course.What can I do for you? I want to go to the bank.I need an interpreter.What do you need to do there? There’s a problem with my bank statement.There’s a mistake on it.I also need to withdraw some money from the ATM.I have to exchange some money.Yes, I know you will go back to your country next week.I have to pay my credit bill too.If I don’t pay it soon, the credit card company will charge me interest.That’s it.Their interest rates are usually quite high.It’s a good idea to pay off your credit card debts before they attract interest.Shall we go now? OK.Let’s go.对话 1 去银行

       外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 你好,李警官。请帮我个忙好吗? 当然可以,帮你什么呢?




       是这样的,他们的利率通常很高。在他们收取利息之前,你最好把信用卡的钱还清。那我们现在去吧? 好,咱们走吧。Dialogue 2 At the post office F: I’d like to send this parcel to Australia.Would you please go to the post office with me? P: Certainly.…

       P: Could you put it on the scales, so they can check the weight? F: Sure.It’s not very heavy.P: That’s 850 grams.The cost depends on how you would like to send it.F: I see.What are the options? I suppose air mail is faster and more expensive than surface mail.P: That’s right.Sending it by air mail will cost twelve dollars and sending it by surface mail will cost eight dollars.F: How long will it take to get there? P: Air mail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two weeks.F: I’ll send it by air mail.I’d like to send it as a registered parcel.P: No problem.That’s one dollar extra.F: There’s thirteen dollars.P: Don’t forget your receipt.F: Oh, yes.对话 2 在邮局

       外: 警: 警: 外: 我要往澳大利亚寄一件包裹,你能和我一起去一下邮局么? 当然可以。„„

       把你的包裹放在秤上,邮局要测一下重量。好的,包裹不是特别重。警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 850克。邮寄的费用取决于你用何种方式邮寄。我知道。该怎么寄呢?我想寄航空件比寄平信更快,邮费更高。是的。寄航空件邮费为12美元,平信8美元。包裹多长时间才能到呢?


       Dialogue 3 Daily routines F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: Hello, Mr.Li.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.How do you usually spend your time? You look busy all day long.Well, I usually always get up at dawn.I don’t like sleeping in.I usually do some exercise after I get up.That sounds nice.How do you spend your whole day? Of course do my job.You know being a police officer means you are always ready to face new tasks.What do you usually do in your leisure time? I usually meet some friends and we play sports together or I might spend some time alone on my hobbies.Sometimes I help my wife do housework and play with my daughter.I know you have a happy family.Thank you.F: P: 对话 3 谈日常生活

       外: 你好,李警官,很高兴见到你。警: 我也是。

       外: 你每天时间都是怎么过的?我看你一直都很忙。

       警: 我一般天一亮就起床,我不喜欢睡懒觉,早上起床后一般都锻炼一下。

       外: 很好啊,那么接下来的一天你都忙什么?

       警: 当然是忙工作。你知道身为一名警察就得时刻准备着迎接新的任务。

       外: 空闲时都干些什么呢?

       警: 一般是会会朋友,和他们一起进行体育锻炼,或者是把时间花在个人爱好上。有时也会帮助妻子做一下家务或陪我女儿玩。外: 我知道你有一个幸福的家庭。警: 谢谢。

       Dialogue 4 Shopping F: What sort of shopping is nearby, Mr.Li? P: This is a great area of the city for shopping.There’s a grocery store just around the corner.F: What about things other than food? P: Well, the Quancheng Square has many stores around it, including some major department stores.F: Are there small shops near here as well? P: Yes, on Quancheng Lu Walking Street, there are many specialty shops, including clothing boutiques, and also a movie theater.F: Are there some stores open 24-hour a day there? P: Yes, and there is also a 24-hour convenience store near your department within walking distance.F: How can I pay after shopping? P: You can use cash, check, or credit card.F: Well, that sounds just wonderful.P: Yes, it’s a really nice neighborhood.对话 4 购物

       外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 李警官,附近有什么购物场所?

       这一带是市区里购物的好地方。在附近有一个食品杂货店。除了食物还有什么? 噢,泉城广场附近有许多家店铺,还包括几家主要的百货商店。这儿附近也有小商店吗?




       Dialogue 5 Food F: Excuse me, Mr.Li.Can you suggest a good restaurant? P: Yes.What kind of food would you like to eat?

       F: I like Chinese food.Do you know if there’s a good Chinese restaurant nearby?

       P: There’s one across the street.F: Where can I have the best local food?

       P: I suggest you try Sunny Restaurant.It is famous for its Shandong cuisine.F: It is my first time to try Shandong cuisine.I want to know more about it.P: Shandong cuisine is consisted of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, which is one of the ―Eight Culinary Traditions‖ of China.F: Why does Shandong cuisine have two parts? P: That is because of Shandong’s geographical characteristics.Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea, with the Yellow River meandering through the center.This forms the coast of Jiaodong dishes(seafood)and the interior of the Jinan dishes.Shandong’s most famous dish is the sweet and sour carp.A truly authentic sweet and sour carp must come from the Yellow River.F: That sounds very interesting to me.P: Condiment served in Shandong cuisine is pure and has delicious taste.It is famous for its fresh, tender, fragrant and crisp characteristics.I am sure you will like it.F: Thank you very much.I cannot wait to try it.I must go now.P: You are welcome.Have a good appetite.对话 5 饮食

       外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 请问,李警官,你能推荐一家好的餐厅吗? 好的,你想吃什么样的东西?

       我喜欢中国菜,你知道这附近有好的中国餐厅吗? 街对面有一家。



       这是由于山东的地理特点决定的。山东是个三面环海的半岛,黄河蜿蜒流过全省,这就形成了以海鲜为主的胶东菜和以内地城市济南为代表的济南菜。鲁菜当中最有名的一道菜是糖醋鲤鱼,但地道的糖醋鲤鱼必须使用产于黄河的鲤鱼。外: 听起来真有意思。警: 鲁菜讲究调味纯正,口味鲜美,具有鲜、嫩、香、脆的特色,我肯定你会喜欢的。

       外: 非常感谢,我已经等不及想吃了,我得走了。警: 不客气,祝好胃口。

       Dialogue 6 Green tea F: I know China is very famous for its green tea.P: That’s right.Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking green tea.F: But black tea is more popular in the western countries.What’s the difference between green tea and black tea? P: Both teas come from the same plant.The difference is the way the different teas are processed.The green tea is not fermented and it has been dried.Because of the shorter processing time, the green tea has a lighter flavor than the black tea.Green tea is good for you because the processing keeps all the beneficial elements left in the tea.F: I am not used to the taste of green tea when I first try it.P: Yes, green tea doesn’t taste anything like the tea you usually drink.Most green tea drinkers do not add milk or sugar, but you can if you like.F: How to make a good cup of green tea? P: Green tea is brewed just like you would brew the tea you normally drink, except you will not want the water to boil.You will want to brew you tea when the water is on the verge of boiling.Green tea is a more delicate tea so you want the water to be a little cooler.F: Where can I get good green tea? I want to buy a lot for my friends.Do you have any to recommend? P: To try really good green tea you will want to look in a gourmet tea store rather than a grocery store.You will find a good selection of green teas in those stores.Some of the types you will want to look for are Sencha, Gunpowder, or Dragon Well.F: Thank you very much.P: My pleasure.对话 6 绿茶

       外: 我知道中国的绿茶很有名。

       警: 是的。如今,东西方的科学研究不断发现有力的证据,证明了长期以来人们所相信的饮用绿茶有益健康。外: 但在西方红茶更流行,绿茶和红茶有什么区别?

       警: 两种茶叶都产自茶树;其区别是茶叶的加工过程不一样——绿茶在烘干前没有进行发酵。因为加工过程时间短,绿茶的味道比红茶更清淡。绿茶之所以对你健康有益是因为所有有益成分都保留在茶叶里。

       外: 我第一次喝绿茶时对其口味不太适应。

       警: 是的。绿茶的味道与你通常喝的茶完全不同。大部分喝绿茶的人不往茶里加牛奶,也不加糖,但是如果喜欢,你也可以加。外: 怎么沏一杯好的绿茶?

       警: 沏绿茶的方法和沏普通茶一样,只是不要用滚开的水,待水温稍微冷却到沸点以下再沏。绿茶比一般的茶更嫩,所以水温要低一些。

       外: 在哪儿能买到好绿茶?我打算给我朋友买一些,你有什么建议吗?

       警: 要想品尝真正的好茶,不要去杂货店而应到精品茶叶店去看看,那儿有不少好茶供你选购。你想要的好的绿茶有煎茶、中国珠茶、或龙井茶。外: 非常感谢。警: 不客气。Dialogue 7 Banquet P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: Dinner is ready.Please come to the table.OK.You would no doubt be interested in Chinese cooking.Yes, I indeed like Chinese food.What would you like to drink? Anything.We have beer and wine.Which do you prefer? Beer is OK.Wouldn’t you care for something a little stronger? This Chinese liquor is a famous brand.I can try it.I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people——to our friendship!To our friendship, Cheers!Ah, here come the egg rolls.It tastes best when taken piping hot.Here’s to your health, Cheers!Thank you, Cheers!May I help you get some pieces of sweet and sour carp? No more, thank you, I’m really full.May I fill your glass again? Another course is coming up.Just help yourself to whatever you’d like.This dish is delicious.Try some of the cold dishes.OK.对话 7 宴会

       警: 饭菜好了,请入席。外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 好的。

       你一定喜欢中国菜。是的,我很喜欢中国菜。你要喝什么? 什么都可以。

       我们有啤酒和葡萄酒,你想喝什么? 喝点啤酒吧。





       Dialogue 8 Music P: What kind of music do you like listening to? F: I like music that has a fast beat and is lively, like dance music.You know, I go to disco almost every week.Sometimes it’s too loud though.You prefer classical music, don’t you?

       P: Yes, I do.I find it very relaxing.I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day at work.F: I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music.It’s certainly more sophisticated than modern dance music.P: Classical music is supposed to be good for your brain.Research suggests that it makes your brain more active.Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better.F: Really? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often.I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress.P: Yes.That’s why I listen to it in the evenings.I usually play it as background music while I’m cooking or doing other housework.F: I’ve got a few classical music CDs.I should follow your lead and increase my brain power.P: You can find plenty of recording on the internet too.You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them.F: That’s a good idea.You should do the same with some music.You might find something you like.Classical music might make you clever, but dance music might make you livelier and happier.P: That’s true.There’s clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people.Music can influence a person’s feeling and character.对话 8 音乐

       警: 你都喜欢听些什么音乐?

       外: 我喜欢听一些节奏快活泼一点的音乐,比如说舞曲。你知道,每周我都会去迪斯科舞厅,尽管有时太吵了。你是不是喜欢古典音乐?

       警: 是的。听古典音乐会让我感到放松。忙了一天的工作,我一般会在晚上听一听莫扎特或巴赫。

       外: 我也喜欢几首古典乐曲,这当然比现代舞曲高雅。

       警: 听古典音乐对人的大脑有好处。有研究表明听古典音乐可以让人的头脑更活跃,学生在学习的时候听听古典音乐会表现得更好。外: 真的么?也许我该多听一下古典音乐。我还听说听古典音乐会减轻压力。

       警: 是的,这就是为什么我晚上经常听。我在做饭或是做家务时经常把古典音乐设定为背景音乐。

       外: 我有几张古典音乐的CD,我会按照你的做法改善一下我的大脑机能。

       警: 你还能在网上找到很多有关的唱片,你可以试听一下,如果喜欢,可以很便宜地买下来。

       外: 这真是个好主意,如果你想听其它的音乐也可以从网上购买,你会买到自己喜欢的音乐的。古典音乐可以让你聪明,但舞曲可以使你更活泼与高兴。

       警: 是这样,有明确证据证明听活泼音乐的人也往往很活泼。音乐能影响一个人的情感与性格。

       Dialogue 9 Inside a pub(Be with a foreinger in a pub at weekend)F: So, what would you like to drink? P: Do they have tea? F: What did you say? Tea? P: Yes.Do they have any iced tea? F: No, I don’t think so.This is a pub.P: Sure.A lot of pubs do.F: It’s on my treat today.Anyway, what would you like as a drink? P: Maybe juice then.F: Juice? It’s 10:30!How can you drink juice? P: Why not? F: But this is a pub.They have beer, or wine, or liquor here.I thought you wanted to have a drink.P: But I don’t like alcohol.It makes my face turn red.And furthermore, we have alcohol ban for the police.F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: I know.But it is weekend time.You say your face turns red? Yes, it turns all red.So I don’t drink alcohol usually.So what do you usually drink when you go out? I drink tea, or juice.But you are in a pub right now.Almost all people here know how to drink alcohol.You should learn.Why do I have to learn? I don’t like it.Because when you go out with people, everybody drinks.And people will have parties too.If you refuse to drink alcohol, people will think you are too conservative.So you think I need to drink, huh? At least get used to it.You should be able to drink two or three drinks.Alright.I will try.What are you drinking? Gin and tonic.Is it strong? Average.Not too strong.I will have one too then.But you must promise not to laugh at my red face.I promise.I’ll go to the bar and get two gin and tonics.对话 9 在酒吧

       (周末陪外国朋友在酒吧)外: 你要喝什么? 警: 他们有茶吗? 外: 你说什么?茶? 警: 嗯,他们有冰茶吗?

       外: 我想没有吧,这里是酒吧啊。警: 当然。好多酒吧都有。外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 今天我请客。那你到底想喝点什么呢? 那么果汁好了。

       果汁?现在是十点半,怎么能喝果汁? 为什么不行?


       我不喜欢酒精,我的脸很容易红。而且,我们警察有禁酒令。我知道,但现在是周末。你说你的脸会红? 对啊,脸会变得很红,所以通常我不喝酒。那你出去时通常都喝什么? 我喝茶或果汁。可是你现在在酒吧,这里的人几乎都会喝酒,你应该要学着喝。为什么我要学?我又不喜欢。


       至少要习惯它,你应该能喝个两三杯。好吧,我试试看。你要喝什么? 琴汤尼。很烈吗?



       Dialogue 10 Festival and blessings P: The New Year’s Day is coming.F: Yes.You know in my country this time people are very busy and happy.P: For what? F: We will take Christmas rush, send Christmas card and have the P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: house beautifully decorated.I see.The Christmas Day is just before the New Year’s Day and the Christmas Day is the biggest festival in your country.That’s right.The Christmas Day is our family festival.That means all the family members get reunion on that day.It sounds like our Spring Festival.On that day, people visit each other and greet and bless each other.It is the same.We always say ―Merry Christmas and Happy New Year‖.Our blessings are also rich and colorful What are they? For example, ―I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year‖, ―With the compliments of the season‖, or ―Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year‖, etc.Very nice.Please accept my season’s greetings.A happy New Year to you.对话 10 节日与祝福

       警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 新年马上就要到了。





       这和我们的春节一样。那一天,人们都互相拜年,说吉祥话。是的,我们一般都说“圣诞快乐,新年快乐”。警: 我们的祝福语同样丰富多彩。外: 都怎么说呢?

       警: 比如说“谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利”,“祝贺佳节”,“恭贺新禧,万事如意”,等等。

       外: 太好了,请接受我节日的祝贺。警: 恭贺新年。

       Dialogue 11 Keeping fit F: China is still supposed to be a developing country, so I was surprised when I saw all the people looking as strong and healthy as people in any developed country.P: It’s all due to the general improvement of living conditions and the concern of the government.How could you expect people to be healthy and fit when they were having a hard time to keep body and soul together? In fact, life has become so good and easy that now we face the danger of over-nourishment, especially for the children.Go to any classroom in a school and you are sure to see at least two or three little fatties in a class of fifty children.F: But I don’t see so many overly fat people in China as I see in the west.How do you explain that? P: As I see it, the difference in our style of living explains it.Your food is too rich and fattening and you don’t take enough exercises.F: Ah yes, I see people of all ages taking exercises both in the mornings and also in the evenings.The parks every morning are always full of people doing all sorts of exercises.Younger people mostly do jogging.The older people do Taiji, which has been introduced to the west recently.P: Yes, it’s originally a school of Chinese martial arts.It differs from all other schools of martial arts in that it relies not on one’s own physical strength, but on the physical strength of one’s opponent.Its famous maxim is ―With my four liang I’ll remove your thousand jin.‖ Of course most people do Taiji today not as a martial art, but as a form of physical exercise.It calls for synchronization of deep breathing and slow rhythmic movements, and requires high concentration.Its slow pace makes it specially suited to older people.F: Yes, I find it fascinating to watch them.Another sight that impresses me greatly is to watch those colorfully dressed elderly ladies doing the Yangge dance to the loud rhythmic music of cymbals and drums.Their lively spirit is very catching.对话11 运动与健康

       外: 中国按道理来说还是个发展中国家,所以,看到中国人强壮、健康,与发达国家的人无异,我很惊讶。

       警: 这全是由于生活条件的改善和政府的关怀。人民如果总为温饱问题操心,怎么能有健康的体魄呢?实际上,我们现在的生活太优裕了,人们甚至会营养过剩,尤其是小孩。学校里任何一个50人左右的班里少说都会有两三个小胖子。

       外: 但我好像没看见中国有像西方那么多的胖子。这怎么解释呢?

       警: 依我看,东西方生活方式的差异就是解释。你们吃的东西过于油腻,而且你们缺乏足够的体育活动。

       外: 对了,我看见不同年龄的人早晨、晚上都在锻炼。公园每天早上都有做各种运动的人,年轻人大多是跑步。上年纪的人打太极拳,太极拳最近也传到了西方。

       警: 是的,太极拳是中国武术众门派中一门,与其它派别的武术的不同之处在于,太极拳不是依己拙力,而是以借力制胜。太极的名言是“四两拨千斤”。当然啦,现在多数人练太极不是作为技击术,而是作为一种体育运动。打太极拳讲究聚气凝神于丹田、动作柔顺自然、意要专,神形并练。由于它节奏舒缓,很适合老人练习。

       外: 的确,看人打太极拳太有意思了。还有一个给我印象深刻的情景是,那些衣着鲜艳的老太太锣鼓喧天地扭秧歌。她们高涨的情绪非常具有感染力。

       Dialogue 12 Feelings and emotions P: Hello.What are you reading about in the newspaper? F: Hello.I was bored with my work, so I decided to read the newspaper to relax.Unfortunately, the news is so depressing.There has been another murder in the city center.I’m shocked that the police haven’t caught the killer yet.P: I know people are starting to get frightened by it.Everyone will be relieved soon when we finally catch the murder.F: You mean ―if‖ you catch the murderer.I’m scared still about going into the city center at night.P: We will!Easy.There must have been some good news in the newspaper.I can’t believe that none of the news stories make you happy or excited.F: Well, there was one good piece of news.You remember the local girl who was dying of a rare blood disease? P: Yes.Her parents were raising money to have her treated in Jinan Central Hospital.F: Well, they’ve got the money and she’s going to take treatment tomorrow.P: I’m so happy for the family!They must be very relieved and excited about that.F: I’m sure they are.对话 12 情感与情绪

       警: 你好,你在读报,报纸上都什么新闻? 外: 你好,我工作地有点厌烦了,所以看看报纸放松一下。很遗憾,有条消息很让人沮丧。市中心又发生了一起谋杀案,让我吃惊的是警察还没有抓到凶手。

       警: 我知道对这事群众开始感到恐惧。当我们抓到凶手后,人们很快就会松口气的。

       外: 你的意思是“可能”抓到凶手,我现在晚上去市中心还感到害怕。

       警: 我们会抓到凶手的!放松。报纸上肯定有好消息的,我相信肯定有消息能让你高兴起来。

       外: 是的,这就有一条好消息。你还记得有一位当地女孩因为罕见的血液疾病而生命垂危么?

       警: 我记得,她的父母为了孩子能在济南中心医院得到治疗正努力筹钱。

       外: 他们筹到钱了,明天孩子就可以接受治疗。

       警: 真为这一家人感到高兴,这下他们应该感到放心与高兴了。外: 肯定是这样。Chapter Two Assisting the Public(服务大众)

       Section 1 Offering Help(帮助)Useful Sentences(常用表达法)1.Can/May I help you? 我能帮你什么忙么? 2.What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么? 3.Are you being helped? 你有人帮忙么?

       4.I’d be at your service anytime.我愿意随时为你提供帮助。5.I’ll be on call all day, sir.我可以全天随叫随到,先生。6.Let me show you the way.我来给你指路。

       7.Is there anything I can do? 我能做点什么?

       8.If you like, I’d drive you home.如果你愿意的话,我开车送你回家。9.Hello, we are patrolmen.Can we help you? 你好,我们是巡警,我们能帮助你么?

       10.Please remember ―If you are in trouble, please turn to a policeman‖.请记住“有困难,找警察”。

       11.Could you tell me the way to the Jinan Municipal Public Security Bureau? 请问去济南市公安局怎么走?

       12.Excuse me, how can I get to the police station? 劳驾,请问去派出所怎么走?

       13.Excuse me, is this the right way to the station? 劳驾,到车站是从这儿走吗?

       14.How long will it take me to the nearest parking area? 到最近的停车场需要多少时间?

       15.Can you tell me where the Quancheng Square is? 请问泉城广场在哪儿?

       16.Hello, officer.Which street am I on now? 你好警官,请问我现在在哪条街上? 17.What street is this? Where does it lead to? 这是什么街?它通向什么地方?

       18.Excuse me, sir.Is there a garage around here? 先生请问,附近有修车厂吗?

       19.Excuse me, officer.Is this the right bus for the station? 劳驾,警官,这车是开往车站的吗? 20.How long is the ride? 乘车需要多长时间?

       21.Where do I change buses to go to downtown? 去市中心我该在什么地方换车?

       22.It’s that way.Go straight along the street and turn left at the first crossing.往那边走。沿着这条路直着走,在第一个十字路口左拐。

       23.It’s not far from here.Walk one block and turn right, then you can get there.过一个街区,然后右拐,你就能找到那儿。24.Is it within walking distance? 它在步行的范围内么?

       25.It is too far to walk.You can take No.18 Bus.步行太远,你可以乘18路车去。26.It’s about ten minutes’ ride.开车十分钟就到。

       27.Straight on, then turn left at the first traffic light.The police station is right there.一直朝前,在第一个红绿灯左拐,就能找到派出所。

       28.There is no subway in our city.You can get there by taxi or bus.我们这儿没有地铁,你可以打的或乘公交车去那。29.It’s across the street.在街对面。

       30.If you want a soft sleeper, it will cost 180 yuan;if you want a hard seat, it will only cost 68 yuan.如果你打算坐软座,票价为180元,硬座票价为68元。

       Dialogues(情景对话)Dialogue 1 Asking the way1—to the railway station F: Excuse me, officer.Can you tell me the way to the Jinan Railway Station? P: Sure.Straight on.Walk two blocks and turn right, then you can get there.F: Is it far from here? P: It is about 30 minutes’ walk.You can take No.18 Bus and get off at

       the third stop.Taking a taxi can also get there.F: Thank you.P: Any time.Good luck.对话1问路1—去火车站

       外: 劳驾,警官,能告诉我济南火车站在哪儿吗? 警: 当然可以。一直往前走,穿过两个街区右拐,你就能找到那儿。外: 离这儿远吗?

       警: 步行需要三十分钟。你可以乘18路公交车在第三站下车。也可以乘出租车。外: 谢谢。

       警: 不用谢,祝你好运。

       Dialogue 2 Asking the way 2—to the parking area F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: Excuse me, officer.Hello, can I help you? Which street am I on now? You are on the Quancheng Street.Can I park my car here? No, you cannot park here.Can you tell me the nearest parking area? Go down this street and turn right at the first intersection.You’ll see a parking area on your right-hand side.F: Thank you very much.P: With pleasure.对话2问路2—去停车场

       外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 劳驾,警官。

       你好,有什么需要帮忙吗? 请问我现在在哪条街上? 这是泉城路。

       我能在这儿停车吗? 不,不能在这儿停。


       沿着这条街往下开,在第一个十字路口右拐。在你的右手边就可以看到有个停车场。外: 非常感谢。警: 不客气。

       Dialogue 3 Asking the way3—to the Bank of China F: Excuse me? How can I get to the nearest branch of the Bank of China? P: There’s a branch on Shanda Street.Walk up this street until you get to the first set of traffic lights.Then turn right at the traffic lights.F: How far up the street are the traffic lights? P: No far.About 150 meters perhaps.F: OK.So I turn right at the traffic lights.Then? P: Then keep walking until you reach a market of digital products.It’s a high and modern building.You can’t miss it.F: OK.Where do I go then? P: You’ll see the Bank of China next to the building.You’ll see a big sign on the front of it.F: I got it.Thank you very much.对话3 问路3—去中国银行

       外: 打扰一下,请问最近的中国银行支行在哪?

       警: 在山大路有一处支行。沿着这条路直走到第一处红绿灯处,然后右拐。

       外: 从这儿到红绿灯有多远? 警: 不远,大约有150米。

       外: 好的,我在红绿灯处右拐,然后呢?

       警: 一直前走,走到数码广场,那是一座很高很现代的建筑,你一定会看到的。

       外: 好的,那银行在哪儿? 警: 中国银行就在旁边,你会看到楼前面有很明显的银行的标志。外: 我知道了,非常感谢。

       Dialogue 4 Getting lost F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: F: P: Sir, how do you do? How do you do, ma’am.What can I do for you? I’m lost here.I can’t find my hotel.Take it easy.What’s your hotel’s name? Quancheng Hotel.I know it.It’s not so far from here.Is it within walking distance? Well, it takes about twenty minutes on foot.I’d rather take a bus.Which bus should I take?

       You can take Bus No.2 and get off at the second stop.Could you direct me to the bus stop? Across the street.Thank you so much for your assistance.Don’t mention it.对话4 迷路

       外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 外: 先生,你好。

       你好,夫人。有什么需要帮忙吗? 我迷路了。找不到回宾馆的路了。别着急,你住在哪个宾馆? 泉城宾馆。



       那我宁愿坐公交车。但我该乘几路车呢? 警: 外: 警: 外: 警: 你可以乘坐二路车,在第二站下车。你可以告诉我去公共汽车站的路么? 马路对面。


       Dialogue 5 Timetable F: Excuse me, officer.Can you help me? P: Sure.What can I do for you? F: Can you tell me when the next train leaves for Beijing? I cannot understand this timetable.P: It looks like one leaves at 9:30.F: Thank you very much.What time is it now? P: Seven-twenty.You have got plenty of time.F: Oh, good.Do you know where I can get a cup of coffee? P: There is a coffee bar nearby.Let me show you the way.对话 5 问时刻表

       外: 对不起,警官。能帮我一下么? 警: 当然。我能为你做点什么?

       外: 能不能告诉我下一班去北京的火车几点开?我看不懂这份时刻表。

       警: 应该是九点。

       外: 非常感谢。现在几点了? 警: 七点二十。你时间足够。

       外: 好的。你知道附近哪儿能喝咖啡么? 警: 附近有一家咖啡馆。我来给你指路。

       Dialogue 6 Packages





