


       1.watch English-language videos 2.pronounce some of the words 3.get the pronunciation right 4.take notes

       5.give up doing sth 6.learn from each other 7.听录音 8.列词汇表 9.复习迎考

       10.看演员说台词 11.看英文杂志 12.英语口语 13.演说技巧

       14.记流行歌曲的歌词 15.多做书写练习16.做很多听力练习17.查词典 18.编对话 19.面对挑战 20.中断,中止 21.怕黑 22.恐高 23.体育课 24.为考试担心 25.嚼口香糖 26.这些天 27.理发

       28.平时上学的晚上 29.对他们严格要求 30.目前 31.吵闹

       32.给慈善机构捐钱 33.把他介绍给别人 34.一个看起来很美的人 35.征求某人的许可 36.在全校面前作演讲 37.剩余同学 38.想出 39.意外地 40.古典音乐 41.音乐厅 42.组成 43.拍电影

       44.深夜的脚步声 45.从动物园逃出来


       1.Having conversation with my friends improves my ___________(speak)skills.2.Do you think___________(eat)lots of vegetables is a good way to keep healthy? 3.You must tell us___________(exact)what you would like to do.4.I ___________(miss)my parents very much if I don't livewith them.5.The letter should___________(send)quickly to my pen pal.6.She___________(like)these books very much.When___________they ___________(buy)? 7.What would you do if you___________(make)a lot of money?

       8.I won't go to the party unless my best friend___________(invite),too.9.If you want to go there,you should ask her___________(permit).三、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词或短语。1.They_____________(结束)doing the survey yesterday afternoon.2.If you want to learn a foreign language well,you should learn some_____________(语法).3.My parents never give me any_____________(具体的)suggestions.4.He likes_____________(记忆)new words by using flashcards.5.He's been_____________(学习)English for six years.6.We_____________(将……视为)Lei Feng as the kindest soldier in our country.7.I don't know how to_____________(解决)my problem.8.Most of my money has_____________(用光).9.We found the holiday__________(令人沮丧的)because of the bad weather.10.My cousin was___________(失望的)when he heard the news.11.Are you allowed___________(选择)your own clothes?

       12.Julia___________(不同意)me.13.Please___________(整理)your bedroom.14.Don't be__________(担心)your weight.You are not heavy at all.15.Don't __________(担心)your test.You should believe yourself.16.He always talks about his__________(烦恼)with his friends.17.We are all__________(焦虑的)about the child's safety.18.What are the___________(要点)of this articles?


       1.Don't c_______ gum in class.It's impolite.2.He likes p_________ pictures with his brushes when he is free.3.Tom failed his exams several times,so his mother was w_________ about his study.4.Do you know what c________ the traffic accident?

       5.He can a_________ a very expensive car.6.----What's your problem?

       -------I have trouble s_______ these words in English.7.Jim takes a p__________ job as a cook after school.五、句子翻译






















       24.他将实现他的梦想。 








       32.别为我担心。 




















       49.她喜欢跳舞而不喜欢唱歌。 














       63.她在公交车上给那位老太太让座。give offer











       73.她也许在看牙医吧。 





























       1.Mr Smith is flying___France soon.She will arrive___Paris___the mornig of October 15th.Ato,in,onB to,in,inC to,at, onDfor,at,in

       2.—Are you going to the national park with us?

       ---If Finoa goes,______.A so I willB so do IC so will ID so I do 3.---Thanks for___us with some food and water when we’re in trouble.---It’s my pleasure.A givingB offeringC providingD bringing

       4.---When will Jenny come back?

       ---She is expected___ back next Sunday afternoon.A to comeB comingC comeD to coming

       5.---Do you know how long Sally__Mike?---Yes,for five years.A marryB have marriedC has been marriedD has been married to 6.---Mary,could you please go to my bedroom and___me my sweater?---Sure.A giveB takeCholdD fetch 7.---I want a ball pen, please.---Only one left.Would you like to have___,boy?

       A thisB itC oneDones

       8.Tom’s lovely dog___in 2022.It’s been___ for 3 years.A died,diedB dead,diedC died.deadD dead.dead 9.I can’t decide____.A to get which designerB which designer to getC which designer do we getD which designer we got

第二篇:仁爱英语九年级(上)Unit 3复习

       Unit 3

       Topic1 1.stick v.粘贴,=put up eg: You can stick it on the wall in your room.你可以把它贴在你房间的墙上。2.can't wait to do sth.迫不急待地想要做某事


       I can't wait to fly there!我迫不急待地想要飞往哪里。

       又:can't help doing sth.忍不住要做某事,如:I can't help laughing.我忍不住笑了。3.have a good chance to do sth.有个做某事的好机会

       eg: You'll have a good chance to practicing speaking English.你将有一个练习说英语的好机会。

       4.practice speaking English 练习说英语。有的动词后再跟动词时,后面的动词要用--ing形式,如:practice, finish, enjoy, meind等等。

       5.from now on 从现在起,意思相当于later on 后来,过后,将来。

       eg: Try your best and work much harder(at English)from now on.从现在起,尽你最大的努力更努力(得多)地学习(英语)。6.on business 出差

       ?eg:Mr.Lee is on business in the U.S.A..7.be similar to...与...相似

       eg: Is Spanish similar to English? 西班牙语和英语会相似吗? 8.It's possible that...有可能...eg: It's possible that you will have some trouble.你有可能会遇到一些困难。9.ask sb.for help 向某人求助,求助于某人。

       eg: I'll ask an interpreter for help.我将向翻译求助。10.translate A into B 把A翻译成B,eg: The interpreter translates English into Chinese.这位翻译把英语翻译成中国语。11.in general 一般来说

       12.have trouble(in)doing sth.在做某事方面有困难。

       eg: In general, he has no trouble understanding people.一般说来,他听懂别人的说话是没有困难的。

       13.What's more 还有

       once in a while 有时,偶尔,相当于at times或sometimes 14.whenever = no matter when

       topic 2 1.follow = understand 听懂,理解, 明白, eg: I can't follow you.? Can you speak more slowly, please? 2.be the same as?? 与...相同,eg: Is Australian English the same sa British English? 澳大利亚英语和英国英语是相同的吗? 3.I'm flying to Disneyland tomorrow.? 明天我要飞往迪斯尼乐园.注: 此句中 am flying是表示一般将来时.???英语中,??“位移动词”或称“趋向动词”?可以用现在进行时的结构表示将来发生的动作, 这类动词有“leave”, “leave for”, “leave … for…”, “come,” “fly…”, “return”, “arrive”, “go”,? “start”(出发), 等等, 如:? I'm going.我要走了.?? I'm coming!我就来!? My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.4.depend on? 依靠;取决于;依…而定, 如: Sometimes the meaning can change, depending on the country where it is spoken.5.succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事,eg: f you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences.如果你想成功地表达自己的意思, 你就需要了解一些这种不同点.6.on one's way to 地名, 在去某地的路上(后接副词时不用to)?.? eg: Lucy is on her way to school.露西在回家的路上.??

       Tom is on his way home.汤姆在回家路上.[要区别于By the way顺便问/说一下;? in this way用这种方法] 7.see sb.off 为某人送行,eg: Kangkang and Michael?going to the airport to?see them off.康康和迈克尔要去机场为他们送行.put out 伸出

       eg: Michael sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised.迈克尔看见一个外国人伸出他的手, 拇指朝上.还要掌握see sb.doing sth.看见某人正在做某事? see sb.do sth.看见某人做某事, 以及with his thumb raised作伴随状语.] 8.ask for a ride 请求搭车, The foreigner is asking for a ride.这个外国人在请求搭车.9.be worried about...为...担心

       eg: I'm still worried about my English.我还在为我的英语担心.10 as for...? 至于…, 关于某人/某事

       eg: As for the spelling differences, you can easily find them when you use a computer.??

       11.have difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难

       注:difficulty作“困难,艰难,费劲,辛苦,难度”解时为un 作“难题,难事,难处,困境,危难”时,为cn eg: We have difficulties understanding foreigners

       12.be closed to...? 靠近..., The Disneyland is close to Los Angeles.? 迪斯尼乐园离洛杉矶很近。13.in person 亲自

       eg:He helped her with her English in person.14.be fond of...? 喜爱...eg: Children are fond of exciting rides like Pirates of the Caribbean.15.come about 发生

       eg: How did these differences come about? 这些差别是如何发生的? Can you tell me how the accident came about? 16.be forced to do sth.被迫做某事

       eg: I was forced to take a taxi because I couldn't catch the last bus.?因为没有赶上末班车, 只好坐出租车.17.take in 吸收,如:The English language has taken in many new words from other languages.Topic 3 1.make sb understood 使某人被理解

       Eg:He say it slowly to make him understood 2.work hard at 努力…

       eg:He worked hard at English and at last he passed the final exam.3.advise 建议(后接to do 或V-ing)eg:I advises waiting till the proper time.I advise you to leave now.4.stick to 坚持

       (to 是介词,后接名词或V-ing)Eg:If you stick to the truth ,you have nothing to fear.He sticks to having a talk with his teacher.4.Laugh at 嘲笑

       Eg:Don’t laugh at others.5.come to realize 明白 eg:After talking to his teacher,he have come to realize his teacher is always caring for him。

       5.in order to 为了

       (后接动词原形)eg:He gets up early in order to catch the fisrt bus.6.give up 放弃

       eg:I always advise my father to give up smoking.7.复习动词不定式的用法。

第三篇:九年级英语Unit 1

       九年级英语综合Unit 1—10单元专项复习班级:______姓名:_______

       (A.the moreB.the mostC.the lessD.the fewest

       (A.fill with peopleB.full of peopleC.fill of peopleD.filled with people

       ()3.Father has bought some books , one is written in Chinese , are written

       in English.A.the othersB.the otherC.anotherD.some other


       ()5.—Are you sure that you can win the game ?---Yes,A.its just a piece of cakeB.its hard to say

       C.it’s not easy to do soD.I like the game very much.()6.—Hi, have you found your lost book ?—Not yet.I have looked for it ’t found it.A.over thereB.somewhereC.here and thereD.at those places

       (A.give him a talkB.take him a massageC.wake him upD.ring him up

       ()8.The man doesn’’s right.A.wayB.ideaC.lifeD.sound

       ()9.To many Chinese students , English they spend a

       lot of time and money on it.A.a diseaseB.difficultC.easyD.colorful

       (A.forgot itB.didn’t comeC.lost his wordD.lost his way

       ()11.—Where do you often exercise ?—I often exercise in a park.It’house.A.underB.nearC.behindD.in front of

       (A.look likeB.the same asC.as popular asD.so friendly as

       ()13.Mr.Green’s many students so that the classroom crowded

       students.A.was famous for B.was welcomed by C.was interested in D.was different from

       ()14.If you read widely , you’A.make money by readingB.like studying better

       C.learn a lot by readingD.spend much money on knowledge

       (health.A.is good forB.is made ofC.is thankful forD.is worried about

       ()16.—Shall we go to watch a basketball match , Mike ?

       --Wow ,A.It sounds boringB.I feel thirstyC.I like drinking tea better D.It’s my favorite

       (A.hear…ofB.make …happyC.know …wellD.look…down

       (A.turn upB.put upC.get upD.think up

       ()19.In our life , It isn’A.rise from bedB.put upC.wake upD.stand up

       ()20.—The work is too hard for me!—You are always great!You’if

       you have a try.A.be successfulB.make it easyC.take it easyD.give it up

       ()21.—I’m too thirsty—Here you are.A.more than twoB.another twoC.other twoD.two others

       (A.any dayB.one dayC.few daysD.several days

       ()23.—A.like..less thanB.like…better thanC.like..bestD.like…worst

       (A..don’t agreeB.not agreeC.doesn’t agreeD.unagree

       (A.a friendB.tasteC.a hopeD.a chance

       (’d better not go there.A.NowB.At onceC.Right awayD.Today

       (A.arrived atB.arrivedC.reached in D.went

       (’s fans.A.SomeB.A fewC.MuchD.Many

       ()29.—Whose book is it, Jay ?—A.be CarlaB.belong to Carla’sC.be Carla’sD.belong Carla

       (—Really ?Hw terrible it is!

       A.ran away fromB.Played inC.took away fromD.jumped away from

       (A.go to…by seaB.went to…by airC.went to…by trainD.walked to

       (A.get alongB.get upC.gets alongD.gets over

       ()33.I don’(A.carefulB.popularC.importantD.useful

       ()35.I’A.very quicklyB.very wellC.at presentD.at the moment





       ()40.Let’ A.think about B.care about C.think of D.care for

       (A.belong to Li YingB.belong to Li Ying’sC.be Li YingD.belong Li Ying

       (.A.loud B.noisyC.quietD.quite



       (A.on showB.sellingC.showD.to sell



       (A.wantB.shouldC.feel likeD.feels like

       ()48.I’A.neverB.stillC.not…any moreD.not …any longer

       ()49.He looks very sad, let’A.help him outB.provide him with something to eatC.make him happier

       (A.help…withB.offer…toC.buy…forD.suggest …at

       ()51.—I’m afraid of speaking in front of others.—Be brave!Don’t be a chicken.A.不要成为一只鸡 B.不要吃鸡C.不要那么胆怯D.不要那么太张狂

       ()52.Though it was raining cats and dogs outside, he came to tell me the exciting

       good news.A.雨中游好多猫和狗B.雨下得很大C.淹死了猫和狗D.雨下得很小

       ()53.The boy always breaks the rules in class , and it makes his teacher see red.A.the red colorB.healthyC.shyD.unhappy

       ()54.It is difficult for Tina to find a good job , because she has a green hand.A.she likes greenB.her hand is green

       C.She has no experienceD.She is working hard

       ()55.Tom takes after his father.A.looks afterB.is similar to C.looks the same

       ()56.Oh, my alarm clock doesn’t work.A.breaks downB.doesn’t go offC.isn’t on timeD.breaks off

       ()57.Can you help me give out the test paper ?

       A.help outB.hand outC.set outD.work out

       ()58.Don’t make fun of the poor man.It’s impolite.A.make room forB.laugh atC.findD.be funny

       ()59.Though the homework today seemed difficult, the teacher didn’t tell us how

       to deal with it.A.work atB.solveC.reviewD.make up

       ()60.Marry came top in the final exams , she didn’t let her parents down.A.make her parents frustratedB.let her parents be disappointed

       B.get worried about her parentsD.feel terrified of her parents

       ()61.Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to do something on their own.A.togetherB.in commonC.by themselvesD.by others

       ()62.You look worried.What’s wrong with you ?

       My mother was ill yesterday.I had to look after her.A.anxiousB.importantC.excitedD.happy

       ()63.The man has run out of all his money.He is poor now.A.used upB.think upC.run offD.run away

       ()64.Don’t be afraid!No matter what happens, I’ll be behind you.A.meetB.missC.changeD.support

       ()65.I hear quite a few boys in your school like playing basketball after school.A.quite a lotB.the number ofC.too muchD.a number of

       ()66.There are still two hours left.Please take it easy.A.no hurryB.don’t hurryC.hurry offD.hurry up

       ()67.He dreams of going to the USA for his further education.A.would likeB.wants toC.feels likeD.is willing to

       ()68.—I’m having a cup of coffee.What would you like ?

       --Same here.A.Me, too.B.Me, neitherC.EitherD.Soda

       ()69.We rise very early every morning to school for morning exercises.A.stand upB.get upC.wake upD.look up

       ()70.His uncle works in a factory that makes very good TV sets.A.storesB.doesC.producesD.invents

       ()71.On April Fool’s Day, I was fooled by my friends.I felt I lost my face.A.was happyB.was excitedC.lost moneyD.was embarrassed

       ()72.Don’.A.finishB.overC.run out ofD.sell

       (A.runningB.running afterC.walkingD.shouting

       (A.weren’t interested inB.didn’t agree withC.couldn’t forgetD.didn’t know

       (A.wentB.came over toC.walkedD.run

       (A.it is the worstB.it is the bestC.it is betterD.it is not so nice.

第四篇:九年级英语词汇复习Unit 7

       九年级英语词汇复习Unit 7


       1.„ should be allowed to „

       They allowed her to go to the party.他们允许她去参加聚会。

       The policeman wouldn't allow parking in this street.警察不允许在这条街上停车。

       No one was allowed to talk with him.任何人都不准许跟他交谈。

       allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事

       allow doing sth.允许做某事

       (sb.)be allowed to do sth.(某人)被允许做某事

       2.No way!

       no way 意思是“不;决不,没门”,表示对对方要求的一种回绝。语气比no重。

       Give up our tea break? No way!让我们放弃工间休息时间?没门儿!

       No way will I go on working for that man.我不再给那个人工作了。

       3.I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.我认为16岁的孩子们不应该准许驾车。

       英语中有少数表示“猜想、臆断”的实义动词, 如think, believe, suppose, imagine等, 后面跟含否定意义的宾语从句时,习惯上把从句的否定转移到主句, 构成“I don't think /„”结构。这 种语言现象称为否定转移。

       1)我相信他不会来。I don't believe he will come.2)我认为他是不对的。I don’t think he is right.sixteen-year-olds

       十六岁的孩子们 相当于名词短语sixteenold children


       a child of sixteen

       a child of sixteen years old

       a sixteen-year-old child



       It's very important to teach the children about road safety.把交通安全常识教给孩子们是非常重要的。

       We're keeping you here for your own safety.我们让你呆在这里是为了你自身的安全。

       Don't worry about him.He is in safety.别担心他, 他很安全。

       safe adj.安全的;安然无恙的;可靠的;谨慎的 n.保险箱

       We all wished him a safe journey.我们都祝他一路平安。

       There was a small safe hidden behind that picture on the wall.墙上那幅画后面藏着一只小型保险箱。

       5.get their ears pierced

       这是“get 名词(或代词) 过去分词”的句型,意思是“使......被做,请人做......”,表示让别人做某事。此时get 是使役动词。

       I can’t get the work done by anybody.我找不到人来干这项工作。

       When are you going to get your hair cut? 你打算什么时候去剪头发?

       “get 名词(或代词) 过去分词”的句型,还可以表示“遭遇某事”

       He got his wrist broken.他折断了手腕。

       我让人修理了我的汽车。I got my car repaired.詹姆斯昨晚被打了。James got beaten last night.6.serious enough


       He is brave enough to face dangers.他很勇敢, 足以面对各种危险。

       He plays well enough for a beginner.对于一名初学者来说, 他弹奏得相当不错。

       7.stay by my side 待在我身边;陪伴我

       I'm grateful for having you always stay by my side.感激你一直陪伴在我身边!

       by sb.’s side 在某人身旁

       By her side stood her granddaughter.在她的身边站着她的孙女。

       8.„ and warm arms to sleep in

       to sleep in在这里是动词不定式修饰前面的名词

       I have many letters to write.我有许多信要写。

       I have no time to go there.我没有时间去那儿。

       9.„ and lifted me up



       He is strong enough to lift the box.他很强壮, 能举得起这只箱子。

       He was too weak even to lift his hand.他虚弱得连手都抬不起来。

       The dog lifted up its ears.狗竖起了耳朵。

       lift one's glass 举杯

       lift one's head 抬头

       lift one's spirits 提起精神

       rise, raise, lift均有“上升,举起”之意。

       rise: 不及物动词,指具体的或抽象的事物由低向高移动。

       raise: 及物动词,常用词,多指把某物从低处升到高处,有时作引申用。

       lift: 语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力举起或抬起某物。

       10.talk back

       回嘴; 顶嘴

       You should not talk back to your mother.你不应该对妈妈顶嘴。

       talk about 谈论;谈到

       talk over 商议

       talk to 与...说话;责骂

       talk with 和...交谈

       talk against others 说别人的坏话

       talk to oneself 自言自语

       11.„ give me awful dreams.awful


       It would be awful if he found out the truth.如果他发现了真相,那就糟了。

       This is really an awful movie.这部电影实在糟糕。

       It was awful to see him in such pain.看到他疼痛难忍真让人难受。

       afraid, awful, frightful, terrible 均含“害怕的、可怕的”之意。

       afraid: 指由于胆小或怯懦而不敢说或做某事。

       awful: 指威严得令人害怕或敬畏,有一定的感情色彩。



       12.scary adj.可怕的;容易受惊的;引起恐慌的

       Grandpa told me a scary ghost story.爷爷给我讲了一个吓人的鬼故事。

       I remember one story that was quite scary.我记得有一个故事相当恐怖。



       I'm scared of mice.What animal do you think is the most scary?

       13.I was late for school from staying out past ten.from在这里表示原因,意思是“因为”

       They really do get pleasure from spending money on other people.他们确实从把钱花在别人身上而得到快乐。

       She did it from a sense of duty.她做这事是出于责任感。

       14.stay out

       不回家; 避开

       I don’t stay out late on weekdays.工作日的时候我不在外面呆得很晚。

       I met some friends and stayed out until eleven or twelve.我见了几个朋友,直到夜里十一、二点才回家。

       His father told him to stay out of trouble.他父亲叫他避开是非之地。


       stay awake


       stay with


       stay up


       stay away 离开,缺席;躲开;离远点

       stay away from


       15.I regret talking back, not listening to Mom



       She refused their help and she didn’t regret it.她拒绝了他们的帮助, 对此她并不感到后悔。

       They regretted ordering these books from abroad.向国外订购了这些书, 他们很后悔。

       I regret that I cannot help.很抱歉, 我爱莫能助。

       辨析:regret to do sth.和 regret doing sth.regret to do sth.意为 “很遗憾 / 抱歉要 做某事”(事情还没有做);

       regret doing sth.意为“ 很后悔 / 抱歉做了某事”(事情已经做过了)。例如:

       I regret to tell you that you can’t pass the examination.我很遗憾地通知你,你不能通过这次考试。

       I don’t regret telling her what I thought.我不为告诉她我的想法而后悔。


       forget to do 忘记要去做某事

       forget doing 忘记做过某事

       remember to do 记得还没做的事情

       remember doing 记得已经做过的事情

       try to do 尽力做某事

       try doing 尝试做某事

       mean to do 打算做

       mean doing 意味着

       stop doing sth.停止做某事

       stop to do sth.停下来去做别的事

       16.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.be strict with 对„„严格

       She is strict with her children.她对她的孩子们很严格。

       My teacher will be more strict with me from now on.从此我的老师会对我更加严格。

       表示“在某方面严格”用be strict in,“对某人严格”用be strict with。

       The engineer is strict in his work.这位工程师对工作要求严格。

       17.get in the way of


       If you are not going to help, at least don't get in the way!


       Her social life gets in the way of her study.她的社交生活妨碍了学业。

       18.My wife and I have supported every one of his races.support


       Which football team do you support? 你支持哪个足球队?

       I support him against those who are finding fault with him.我支持他反对那些专挑他毛病的人。

       His family supported him in his decision.他的家人支持他的决定。



       She spoke in support of the project.她发言支持这项计划。

       Your support has meant a lot to me during the difficult time.在困难时期, 你的支持给了我很大的帮助。

       come to sb.’s support


       in support 后备的, 准备给予支援的 in support of 支持„

       19.„ our son needs to think about other possible jobs.need在这里是用作实义动词,意思是“需要, 必需”,构成否定句或疑问句时要借助于助动词do、does或did。

       You need to finish your homework.你需要完成你的家庭作业。

       Does your father need any help?你爸爸需要帮助吗?

       need后面接不定式时表示主动;接动名词时有被动的含义, 相当于不定式的被动语态。

       The window needs cleaning.= The window needs to be cleaned.这窗子需要清扫。

       need可作情态助动词, 用在否定句和疑问句中。此时need本身不变形, 后面的动词也要用原形。

       Need I type this letter again? 我需要重新打这封信吗?

       There is enough time.You needn’t hurry.有的是时间,你不必着急。

       20.„ if he doesn’t end up a professional runner.end up 结束;告终;以做某事而结束

       We talked so long.I end up missing class.我们谈了好久,把课都给误了。

       If you go on like this you'll end up in prison.如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。enter university

       考上大学;上大学 enter


       Please do not enter before knocking on the door.进来前请先敲门。

       In our country, children enter school at the age of six.在我国孩子们六岁上学。

       enter by 从„进入

       You must enter the palace by the front gate.你得从前门进入宫殿。enter for 报名参加

       I shall enter for the singing competition.我将报名参加歌唱比赛。enter, enter into都有“进入”的意思。区别是:

       1.表示进入某具体的场所、建筑物、机构时用enter;表示“开始进入、开始从事„或仔细研究等”抽象的意义时用enter into。

       2.enter表示一个进入完成的动作;enter into表示“进入„”的意图。

       Let's not enter into details at this stage.咱们不要在现阶段着手处理具体问题。21.care about

       担心, 关心

       The young people should care about the old.年轻人应该关心老人。

       care about还可意为“在乎, 在意”

       They don’t care about the expenses.他们对费用不在乎。22.succeed


       If you work hard you will succeed.如果你努力工作,你就会成功。

       Our plan has succeeded.我们的计划成功了。

       succeed 常用于“succeed in sth.”或“succeed in doing sth.”结构中。

       He believes he can succeed in the test.他相信他考试会成功。

       He succeeded in getting the job.他成功地得到了那份工作。



       adj.successfully adv.Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

       She is a successful businesswoman.她是一位成功的女企业家。

       At last he successfully solved the problem.最后他成功地解决了这个问题。

       23.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.只有那时我才能有机会实现我的梦想。

       这是一个倒装句,正常句式是:I will have a chance to achieve my dream only then.only 修饰时间、地点、方式等状语时,句子应用部分倒装,即将助动词或情态动词提到主语前。

       Only when you get there will you know what has happened.你只有到那儿才知道发生了什么。

第五篇:仁爱版九年级上英语Unit 1知识点归纳

       Unit 1 Topic1

       1.feel sorry for 对……感到抱歉

       2.by the way顺便说说

       3.learn…from… 从……中学到……

       4.have a hard life 生活艰苦 5.in the past 过去

       6.in detail 详细地 7.give support to… = give sb.support 为某人提供帮助

       8.in a disabled children’s home 在残疾儿童之家 9.with the development of 随着……的发展

       10.keep in touch with 保持联系

       11.sorts of 多种多样

       12.make progress 取得进步

       13.succeed in(doing)sth.成功做某事14.dream about 梦想着……

       15.day and night 夜以继日 16.have/get an education 受教育

       17.in order to do 为了

       18.in order that 从句


       19.not only…but also… 不仅……而且…… 20draw up草拟,制定

       21.thanks to 多亏了,由于 22.have no time to do sth.没时间做某事

       23.afford sth.买得起某物

       24.afford to do 负担得起做某事

       25.afford…to do 有足够……做某事 26.see sth.oneself 某人亲眼所见

       27.more than =over

       超过 28.happen to sb./sth.(事情)发生在……身上,降临到……头上

       29.happen to do sth.碰巧,凑巧做某事

       30.because 从句 因为 31.because of sth./doing sth.因为

       32.have/has been to 地方


       33.have/has gone to 地方


       34.There goes the bell.=That’s the bell.=The bell is ringing.铃响了

       35.improve oneself


       36.have(no)tome to do sth.(没)有时间做某事

       37.though 虽然

       不能与but 连用

       38.be satisfied with…


       39.play an important part in..发挥重要作用 40.in one’s free/spare time




       Unit 1 Topic2

       1.each other 互相,彼此

       2.get lost 迷路=lost one's way

       3.living conditions 生活条件

       4.seem to do/ that 看来/似乎/好像……

       5.used to do/be 过去常常做……/过去曾经是……

       6.be/get/become used to doing习惯做某事

       7.be used to do/for sth.被用来做……

       8.at least 至少

       9.take place 发生(计划安排要发生的)

       10.happen(偶然的发生)11.one-child policy 独生子女政策

       12.be strict with sb.对某人很严厉,13.be strict about in / sth.对某事很严格

       14.catch up with 赶上(落后或起步较晚)

       15.take measures to do sth.采取措施做……

       16.be known as 作为……而出名,17.increase by(后跟倍数或百分数)增加了……倍/百分……

       18.increase to(后跟具体的数字)增加到了……

       19.carry out 执行

       20.one fifth 五分之一

       21.three fifth 五分之三 24.developing country 发展中国家

       25.developed country 发达国家

       26.be short of 缺乏,缺少

       27.so far 至今,到目前为止 28.less than 比……少,少于

       29.a couple of 两人,两件事情;几个;一对,30.far away 遥远

       31.far away from 远离

       32.keep up with sb./sth.赶上某人/某事(同时起步,并肩前进,不至于落伍、掉队)

       Unit 1 Topic3 1.as a matter of fact = in fact 实际上,事实上

       2.go to concerts 去听音乐会

       3.go to movies 去看电影

       4.go to operas 去听歌剧

       5.in need(of)需要……/缺乏……

       6.decide to do/on sth.决定做……

       7.provide sb.with sth.提供某人某物

       8.so that= in order to/that 以便,以至于(引导目的状语从句)9.so… that…如此……以至于……(表结果和程度)10.too…to…太……而不能……

       11.aim to do sth.力求做……,力争做……

       12.bring sth.into 地方.把……带进……地方

       13.bring sth.to sb.把……带给某人

       14.break out 爆发(战争,争吵)

       15.pay for 为……付钱(表花费的另三个单词spend(主语为人)/ cost(主语为物)/ take(形式主语it,后跟不定式或that从句))16.succeed in=be successful in … =do sth.successfully 成功做成某事 17.take drugs 吸毒

       18.at home and broad 国内外

       19.come for a visit 参观,拜访,旅游